3:01 am

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Its one of those morning Steemians

Steemian friends and community members, have you ever had one of those endless nights where you lay down tired but blink and cant fall a sleep? As you all can see I titled this 3:01 am after helping my kids with home work, eating dinner watching the show Adam ruins everything on the On Demand channel with the kids we all called it a night at around 10 pm since we all have to be up at 6:15 in the morning, well I found myself looking at the clock at 3:01am thinking and as my mind wanders i cant help but thinking of so many different things such as whens the end of the world? What can I do to be a better man or father? Why am i still awake? What can I create as a goal to work towards that will actually have a serious impact? Why is the sky blue? Along with about 50 other odd thoughts and then I realized I should post and ask some of you what do you all think about randomly that stands out? Whens the last time any of you had a night like this? If your reading this im asking questions so i can know some of you better, obviously ive made it pretty clear Im a steemian and im an upfront type of person. What I mean by that is I like to know the people I talk with. Feel free to add your remarks in the reply area ill certain reply, as many of those who follow me know by now I love conversation and im always curious. So fill me in.

i want to thank anyone and everyone that has taken time to read this and I appreciate any replies that come to this post. Thanks




I am not the creator of the image used above i found it on google images while searching for free images to use

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Its 4:21 am here and I am wide awake for last hour. I know that feeling of being tired and not able to sleep quiet well.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Ahhh i know that feeling well my friend.what do you usually do when your stuck up at night like this? I typically take a few tylenlo pms but it didnt quite help this time. Current time 4:16 am.
Hackerwhacker lately ive been noticing you replying more to my post so if its cool with you im joining your followers list. Thanks for the support

I followed you too. If I am not able to sleep I just wake up and browse

Its 3:25 here guys and im in the same boat. Infact im so bored in watching some shit about planet x hope you guys are doing okay steem on

Hey i want to thank you, youve always been someone to upvote my material, and youve always replied to my post as well as being supportive. Im a follower for sure man. Thanks currency

That is what makes you a super dad !! Not many fathers care for their kids like you do but you made me very happy after I read this and I am certain that your kids are very proud to have a father like you

@Farwa your quickly becoming one of my bestfriends on here and your beautiful so that a plus that a lot of people arent lucky to have thank you for your positivity now... If we can just get the rest of the world to see through your eyes.

I wish sometimes people could look through my eyes and see the world differently but non matter how much you try to imply tht in the world , they will always look at us at the bad ones. I'm glad I met you on here . Truly inspires me

Youvr inspired me as well your like that dad someone always wanted but couldnt have or like a poet, lover,fighter, and friend balled into obe sorry if thats a lot to say but carterx you are honestly the first man ive e ver seen display emotion in such a meaningful way. That number you posted for journey, is a missouri number i live in st louis if your ever interested in hanging out ill gladly dp it man onfact there are a lot of missouri people here dude you should host a steemit meets or whatever they are

Thank you so much :) and I'm planning on hosting one in NYC once I get settled down a bit after the baby and college . Still trying to figure things out but after that, I'll look into it

You and carter7 could probably make a badass one. Following you both

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have many nights without sleep, it's usually when I'm too tired (mentally).. But not enough physically. When I work out during day it always helps with sleeping.. And the questions in the middle of the night are so strange for some reason.. I don't think our brain is up to it's task at night, or maybe it's working even better :) Will never know..

Thank you for the reply @tamacvet and i agree with the work out part definietly i put on 1hour 30 mins or so at the gym but for some reason it didnt seem to help. . . .and my mind is still wandering:) thanks for reading my post.


i slept 3:10 yesterday and i had to wake up early
i can tell that i am really tired

I also get endless nights when I lay down tired and can't fall asleep! Then I think that I might need to get sleeping pills, but I never do!

Tyleno pm can be helpful if taken seldomly. But maybe you just need to post and read until you pass out thats what helped me i was posting my planet x post and woke up at 610 like wtf is this the last line of jibberish i wrote :)

Dear friend some of your thinking for future goals and how to make life better is meaningful but don't think about those which are not possible or you don't get the right answer should not think about that, creator knows the answers of these questions well,Here I add one of my friend whose think like who made this world,how planets,stars,moon and sun create and for what ? blah blah blah He disturb himself mentally a lot and now people don't talk with him because he is now Psychotic.If you don't have a lot of resource and think about unknown facts then you are wasting your life.I think our time period in this world is limited max to 100 years just leave life well and do something for self and humanity to feel pleasure.

Well said and you shared concerne. Thank you im loving this. Thank you seriously

Thank you @cartex7 that's your goodness

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I think everyone gets sleepless nights at some point. There is a good side, you get to sort things out in your mind and maybe come up with great ideas. But there is a downside of looking and feeling in the morning like this:

This is me the next day

Holy shit i thought you had me video taped thats how i am all day on these kind of nights.

Oh my god i think that is how all of us that have replied probably look and feel the next morning.

Yeah you are not alone with the being wide awake at 3 am thing. I'll have nights like that after plenty of exercise, the right foods, good sleeping conditions..... but no, the mind is wandering too much!

Well said my friend well said we can all always relate on something.

This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @carterx7! For more information, click here!

Well this is life what one can do i think technology has impacted a lot

Post after post, you surprise us and , we realize how great you are a MAN and a brave father