Trying To Be Stevie Wonder To The Bullshit

in life •  6 years ago 

Hey my fellow Jestastised

I'm glad I managed to get a hold of you, I know how busy your schedules are so I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read my latest rant. I don't know about ya'll but try to avoid drama like the plague. I value my solitude so if you're going to start up with me it's pretty much an easy choice on what I'm going to do.

tenor (1).gif

My safe space

I really am trying to rid my life negativity and toxic people which of course isn't always the case. Even Superman had a fortress of solitude, even Batman has the Batcave. Why do you think that is? Because they need to get away from the BS!

From my personal experience its always been wasted energy to try and reason with people. Once they've been contaminated with drama, you might as well call it quits, they're dead to you now. Say a pray for them and move on.


You're not special

I know your mom and dad told you, you're so damn special and you can do anything you set your mind long as its being a lawyer, accountant, doctor or some bullshit job that's perceived as stable. Well you're not, we're all expendable and most people really only keep you around for the benefits, they will extract until they cannot anymore and move on.

If you want to play host to a leech, by all means, enjoy the codependency that's your choice. But if you walk away you will soon realise you'll be replaced without much thought, so don't get too caught up in it really.

I get very few texts these days but when I do it's either to ask for a favour, money, advice, information or some sort of ass wiping request. Can no one wipe their own ass these days? Seriously?

Don't look back, better yet forget how to look back!

I know people shouldn't be beyond redemption but if they really valued you and wanted to keep you in their lives, if you were really that important they would put the time and effort in. I mean they took the time to push you away.

I also realise that it may come with regret or you may feel unfulfilled trust me you're getting off lightly. If they owed you something, still had something of yours, let it go. You just won freedom from drama and that is worth any cost in my opinion.


Have your say

How do you deal with drama?

Holla at me in the comments! All my commenters I will now refer to as Jessie. Jessie is a good friend of mine, but Jessies got a girl, and I want to make her mine.

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, simply comment "I am a Jessie."

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Hello @@@chekohler,
Toxic people are better left in their toxicity!
From my little experiment, I learnt that they tend to behave better around you when they know that you are capable of being toxic (to them) but choose otherwise.

Warm regards to @crypto.piotr for sharing!

Agreed! You don’t do them or yourself favours getting caught up in that spiral of toxicity and negativity

Posted using Partiko iOS

@chekohler. Tu post es un escrito agradable, precisas en una forma simpática la necesidad de alejarse de las personas que no nos convienen. Y me place informarte que Yo no soy Jessie, jajajaja. Tengo opinión propia y me considero con derecho a expresarla.
Que tengas un buen día.


@chekohler Your post is a pleasant writing, precise in a nice way the need to get away from people who do not suit us.
And I'm happy to inform you that I'm not Jessie, hahahaha. I have my own opinion and I consider myself entitled to express it.
You have a good day.

Oooh getting my first bilingual comment, very cool! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day too!

I'm tired of toxic people. Because they upset my nerves. Now, after meeting these people, I try to ignore them.

Of course, if this doesn't apply to work, or people close to you, then we have to make the sacrifice of hearing them and trying to help them.

In order to succeed, tasks must be set that go beyond their objectives.

If you are forced to deal with toxic people make sure its in small doses so they don't get to you, as soon as you feel you're being affected and not level headed you should step back. Think of yourself and the goal you trying to achieve, if they are needed you have no choice but sometimes you may even find unique ways around them like they are simply obstacles, sometimes you can turn them around other times you have to go around them. But don't focus you're energies on just trying to get them to move or think the way you do, its unfortunate but the way it is I suppose

I love how responsive you are @chekohler

ps. your profile says that you're digital marketer. In crypto industry ? Just curious


Thanks for promoting my post, I've never ever had this much engagement. It was a lot of fun. No im a digital marketer in general, so any industry really, I'm just about how to get sites more qualified traffic thats all

Do you use telegram by any chance @chekohler?

I would like to learn more about your services. There is a huge chance that I would be part of some upcoming STO from Switzerland and i may try to get you in touch with that business in the future. Nothing certain, that's just an idea.


Yes I do have telegram, would be happy to add you and discuss options when you’re ready! You still have my gmail so send me your contact details there

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lovely. I just emailed you.

Hello @chekohler!

It's a lonely world if you stay away from all people. How will you know if they are toxic or not? People have needs and will look for where to satisfy them. It is obvious that everyone only cares about their own problems. Otherwise, there would be no world hunger, no war, no pollution, etc.

If you think about it, we love drama, otherwise, there wouldn't be so many movies, books, and plays telling dramatic situations.

There's a character I remember when a toxic person approaches me.

Thanks for sharing

I'm not saying you should be completely isolated but be selective of who you engage with, it doesn't take long for you to realise if someones going to relate to you on certain levels if you are both completely honest and if they not you can move on.

I agree we love drama it gives us something to do and talk about, its a way to keep the brain active in a passive state. No one actually wants to think about things and themselves so these descriptions help keep your thoughts on a surface level because many people don't want to deep dive into who they are or lack thereof.

I agreed with you

When it comes to internet DRAMA I make tokens about it! That's how I deal with it. :)


Maybe this will be the only one you ever earn. :)

Why thank you, I think a single bit of drama is all I'll ever need.

As long as I am not in the "Drama", I must admit that on occasion I enjoy watching other peoples drama. Why? Simple it reminds me why I never want to be in one, and I can stop watching the drama when I want to.

I hold a lot of hope out for the children being born today and over the next few years, they are going to possible be the first ones to grow into a new kind of society. Society has pretty much run it's course, just as the early man and family expanded and became a clan, then a tribe then a village, then a town, then a city, then a state, then a country.

Along each step of the way attitudes changed and society was born, during each of those changes above society grew and help the progress of change along. Now change is helping society progress to it's next level, people are relearning that yes the wants needs and desires of the one are just as valid as the wants needs and desires of the many. balance is in the process of being restored in my limited view.

I don't look to find other peoples drama, its hardly entertaining to me but if I happen to be in a place to witness it by all means sometimes it can be pretty entertaining and like you said a good reminder of why you don't involve yourself in it. Drama is more often than not petty so why even bother, your energies should be focused on constructive and meaningful activities.

A lot of people insight drama out of boredom or to create a quandary for themselves as an excuse to not progress out of fear of the unknown. Rather stifle your growth than grow.

I too hope the next generations learn from our silly mistakes even just a few more than this generation.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

How do I deal with drama? Ignore it and leave it. We are all selfish and we all think about ourselves even if we deny it. We use people or need people for our own sake. Our level of patience and caring and kindness and tolerance and such differs from person to another. I only have a handful of people I care about because they have been "tried and tested" to be called real friends. I guess it is true what the golden rule says.

A very critical analysis but also pretty much on point I think the majority of people I run into have that kind of mindset and its unfortunate. I agree that they convince themselves that it is how it should be or that they right for the way they react. Very little introspection, everyone looks outward and not inward because if they did they would not like what they see.

I like that "tried and tested" I feel people should be put through the ringer, loyalty and trust is not given its earned

One thing more, more and more people have that self-entitlement and are only seeking affirmation and approval. If you don't agree, they will not like you. They won't listen to others' opinions.

A great read people should just mind their own business and avoid interfering with the lives of other, spreading negativity is the worst. I'll try to be more positive around others.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah like I get sometimes drama can come at unwanted times but if you actively look to create or find drama and spread negativity im sorry I don't feel sorry for you. I'll just be there minding my own business and trying to enjoy my time here. I'm not here on earth for a long time im here for a good time



"The sky is to look at it not to interpret it",

I would never play a 'Fender' that had previously played "Hendrix",

I hope you find a solid answer for your publication
especially in future times ...

You have my support 100%

Thanks for stopping by and appreciate the support :) don't be a stranger I've got tonnes of random bits of wisdom to share

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

My dear @chekohler, very strong words you have here brother, but a lot of reason in what you write.

People have become very interested in these days, few are those who come without any interest in between. But even so, I believe that not everything is lost and not everything is negative my brother, there are people in your environment who value you, respect you and care about you for what you are not for what you can give (in my case), family, brothers and genuine friends, we should only understand that it is a small group but it is there and you should not belittle them.

I also realize that it may come with regret or you may feel unfulfilled trust me you're getting off lightly. If they owed you something, still had something of yours, let it go. You just won freedom from drama and that is worth any cost in my opinion.

I am one of those who think that people always deserve another opportunity, there are queines who have a recidivist behavior and they constantly disappoint you, those are easy to identify and isolate, but there is a truly important group that we must value.

It is my opinion friend, I hope you are well and you can have jessie.


I totally get what you're saying and I do agree with you there are people who will prove to be valuable and be with you against the odds but they are few and far between which is why when you find them hold on and cherish them

People are only as good as the world around them allows them to be, if the chips are down you'll see where peoples morals and values lie. Really getting to know people takes time and effort from both parties.

I don't mind it at all, In time you attract the people who share your vision fro the world and I am fine with that

Woo friend that's right, over time not only valuable people arrive, those who arrive and mark your life, time also teaches you to easily identify those from which you must get away.

Dear @chekohler

You know life is a world that does not stop and is always turning, in the middle of that circle that turns and turns at some point that will return to you and if it does not return it was never yours.

That phrase I read a long time ago is not mine, but when I finished reading your publication that was what came to my mind, for that reason I share it with you.

Only you can say if it is appropriate or not, but if not, I want you to know that I understood each of your words.

I would like you to read my publication is not related but I think you may be interested.

"Believe in the Word"

I agree with you. If you put out certain messages and energies out into the world people who agree with it or see the world the way you do will be attracted to you. If you pretend you will get people who pretend. You have more control over your life than you think and if people really feel you are valuable they will show you through their actions

I agree wholeheartedly that the best (and often the only) way to deal with toxic people is to move on. Walk away. Ignore them.

Trying to reason with them or just speak with them is usually an exercise in futility. So, don't waste any time with them. Just move on.

It took me years to learn this, but I learned well, from experience. I moved on. In fact, I moved all the way to South East Asia. Which has proven to be an effective way of "dealing with toxic people." That is, I left most of them behind in their various "advanced societies." ☺

Trying to reason with them or just speak with them is usually an exercise in futility.

Ain't that the truth its been personal experience that its a waste of energy and it only serves to suck you of your positivity and energy when you could put it to good use on others or activities you enjoy.

I think I will also need to look at a change of scenery so to speak, we all find a niche to carve out our own way of life. Some of us aren't meant for the typical rinse and repeat modern life and want something different or place meaning in other things which I feel not many are brave enough to do. fear keeps them stuck in their ways, its them selling themselves on some sort of stablity of life

I keep a lengthy list of people to kill...

Kidding! Nobody on the list is worth murdering so I just do voodoo and black magic

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lol as long as 2 weeks in Thailand is cheaper than buying a gun I think everyone is safe!

Like I can hate you but I also want to buy more Bitcoin so guess I don’t hate as much as I want good things for myself!

But it’s important to rant I feel I save a therapist the time and they can help someone who actually may need it

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It’s so important to rant but you’ve seen my posts and comments, I’m preaching to the choir here ! I prefer my therapy to be the psychedelic kind talking to people with papers of prestige they earned from wasting their life to please other people is extremely overrated.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I agree, it is so important to rant to people who have certificates of prestige on their walls that say "I am $50,000 in debt with student loans and I need to pay them off, so I'm raising my fees."

lol @skramatters if we take away papers of prestige what do we really have left? It's not like many of these modern jobs are worth anything in terms of value to the world and others without these papers.

Debt is the only motivation we really have left in the modern world. Imagine everyone just lived and worked to get as much as they needed and stayed within that. What kind of dystopian world would we be living in?

You mean, what kind of a dystopian world DO we live in. Currently.

I like the idea of doing away with papers. Of all kinds. That would be a trick. Then, people would have to stand upon merit and integrity alone. How would we possibly function???!!!

I died laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Wowowow @skramatters

I keep a lengthy list of people to kill...

Seriously? :) Are you still adding to that list? :)


Oh, yes. At one point, I'm also tired of toxic people. Because they spend my nerves. Now after meeting with these, I try to ignore them. Of course, if this does not apply to work. In order to achieve success, you have to set tasks with higher than your goals.

Yes, I agree, when you have the option you can choose to avoid them and I highly recommend you do, don't bring additional negativity into your life. As for work, there you just gotta focus on the common good. Usually, it's only one or 2 people who are negative so don't let them ruin it for everyone.

The sweetest feeling is achieving your goals even if they think you won't

family life is very difficult ... and sometimes, yes, it is important to get away a little for mental health ... many people take advantage of the benefits you can provide but not all are like that. Maybe, we're just in the wrong place. Getting away also works to see things from another perspective. Luck! and God bless you

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah I agree! Who knows getting away might also help people see the error of their ways or you both realize you better off without one another!

Thanks for the dropping your knowledge bombs 💣

Posted using Partiko iOS

Agree, I’m Ray Charles to the bull$h*+

Posted using Partiko iOS

lol and a clear wheezy fan!

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Admittedly that’s my girlfriend’s line, I just picked it up from her

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I dunno. I'm pretty convinced still that I'm a very special snowflake.

Lol I guess there’s a reason there’s no snow in Africa! Snowflakes won’t last! I’d say everyone can bring you happiness though some do it wherever they go, others do it when they finally go!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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