What is Life?

in life •  8 years ago 

We have been studying our entire lives.

From grade school to university, we are always studying for tests.

Mid-term here. Final there.

O here is a standardized test for no reason.

Even when we have jobs, your employer wants you to get this license or pay that fee to take that test.

Tests, tests, tests.

What are they all for?



The Universe uses these tests; in the most literal form of the word, to program us to realize the frequency and importance of them.

As much as we like to bitch about taking them, we have to take the tests for a reason.

Just like life.

Everything happens for a reason.

So what is life?

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A series of tests.




Test after test. The Universe tests us to get us ready to fulfill our life purpose.

We were born with all the tools we need to achieve whatever life purpose we have.

We just have to know how to use them.

One way to learn is



Just like in school, the Universe uses tests to teach us information, help us retain this information, and allow us to apply it into our lives.

Without tests, most of us would never have been forced to learn certain life lessons.

But that's part of life.

Everything happens for a reason.

So next life life throws you a challenge, think of it as a test.

But not a test in school.

A test that determines your existence on this life and the next.

So wouldn't you think you would study and try real hard to pass it?

Maybe I am different, but I am "studying" my ass off in this life to pass this test and move onto the next one.

If your existence depended on one test.

Wouldn't you?

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Thank you as always for your time, support, and attention :)

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Great perspective broseph! I also think that your decision making determines the outcome of such a test. Therefore your journey can have multiple outcomes that will eventually lead to the same purpose. We just need to let loose of our everlasting desire to control time.

Ayyyyy exactly my friend exactly. It really is that control mechanism in our minds that keeps us back as humans.

You can still let go and still have say in your life. It seems like an oxymoron but like you said decision making determines what outcome you receive, but you need to have faith in the Universe or it will have no merit.

Thanks again man for your time and attention, really appreciate it buddy.


Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
—Albert Einstein

Ayyyy and somehow they tricked him into the Manhattan Project ;)


I guess I've passed so far:)

I've learned its all relative.

Just because you are alive, doesn't mean you passed.

Namaste :)

Very insightful.
"A test that determines your existence on this life and the next."
So true. Few will view challenges and hurdles in this way. But this is something I'm going to have to think about and try to apply to my life. I'm no stranger to tests! Healthcare is all about tests and licensing etc etc. But back to life in general, this is a good way to approach difficulties, accept it's part of life, conquer it and move on.

Amen Amennnn you got this :)

as you say you are already used to tests, so why not dominate this test we call life :)

Thank you again for your time and attention, it means a lot to me.


not to steal one of your lines but...



Ayyyyyy thank ya bethie :)