What about the Journey?steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Point A from Point B as fast as possible.

That seems to be the thought of a majority of us humans.

They have a Point B in their head they have to get in order for them to be happy.


That could be a big house.

A nice car.

Or respect.

And they will do anything they can to get that point as fast as possible.

That's the point of life right?

Get to your end goal (Point B) as soon as possible.

And doing whatever means is necessary to do it.

The ends justifies the means after all.


From my personal life experience and a lot of case studies I have evaluated, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Why would the ends justify the means if you have to lose yourself during your life to accomplish that Point B goal?

People work and will do whatever it takes to get to that end goal that they lose themselves on the way.

What's the point of accomplishing your end goal if you lose yourself and everyone you care about on the way.

Doesn't seem the ends justify the means does it?

Because it doesn't and you can even reference the author, Machiavelli, himself if you want to do a deep dive on it. He wrote the Prince which references this infamous line ("Does the end justify the means?") as a way to get a job for the elites in his hometown.

He patronized them in his writing. He did this on purpose to get a job.


But somehow it all went wrong.

We as a society started believing this bull shit.

Type in google does the ends justifies the means and look what shows up:

screencapture-google-search-1504265724468 (1).png

We believe this shit; that the end goal, the result you are trying to achieve justifies "any method of achieving it is acceptable."

But as history proves thousands, if not millions of times, that this is undeniably false.



Why would you lose yourself doing evil shit trying to achieve an altruistic end goal?

That doesn't any sense to me and similar like-minded souls.

So we are doing something about it.

We will achieve everything that we dream.

And we will do it the right way.

Because the end doesn't justify the means.

Why do you think you see all these celebrities and "successful" entrepreneurs kill themselves?

It's because they achieved that big goal they have dreamed about their entire lives.

But they did it with hate.

With lies.


And they know this and it keeps them up at night.

They can't look at themselves in the mirror.


Anytime they are in the bathroom, nope staying down when they wash their hands, brush their teeth, clean thier face.

They never look up at the mirror.

You know why?

It's because they don't love the person they have become. The person in front of that mirror.

They thought it would be different.

Different achieving their goals.

But no they are lost and have no idea what to do.

So what do they do?

They turn to coping mechanism to help them survive the false reality they have set up for themselves.

But the ends justifies the means, right?




It doesn't.

If you don't believe me, just wait until you are getting old and gray or on your death bed because of a disease or accident.

See how you feel.

See if you can look at yourself in the mirror.

See if you can look back at your life and ask:

What about the journey?


Thank you as always for your time, support, and attention. It means the world to me :)

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A journey for me is a process of learning. If you haven't learn anything from what you've came across, then I wouldn't call it "journey" but a waste of time. Don't get me wrong @chiefmappster, your post is awesome!
Hope you can visit my journey too in photography:

Thank you so much and thank you for letting me know about it :)

God bless.


Beautiiful effort and a great message. I would just add that it is easier to balance values and desires if you truly give each moment your undivided attention. Goals recede and life emerges.

Thank you so much :)

I totally agree with you. Staying in the moment is essential for success.

Thanks for caring :)

God bless.


Another great post..keep it up my friend!!

Thank you so much my friend.

God bless.
