When two people are talking with each other, one would notice that there is a lot of body language that they are both displaying. You may not be able to read the signs of their emotions but you would be able to notice the signs they are showing. How would you be able to know whether they are having a good or bad day? Of course, you don't have the ability to read people's emotions but here are some of the signs you can be able to read that will make you find out whether the person you are talking to is having a good or bad day. Watch out for these signs so that you would be able to assess the emotion of the other person. If you know what these signs are then you would know how to handle your conversation with them in such a way that you could get the best out of your interactions with them.
Be aware of the body language of the other person. If you notice that there is lack of interest or lack of eye contact then it means that the other person is not interested in what you are saying. Also, when you are talking to him or her and they are just nodding when you ask them a question or when you tell them something then this means that they are not interested in listening to you. Be aware of the signs of lack of interest as well as lack of eye contact and respond accordingly. By doing this, you will be able to know if the person is interested in what you are talking about.
Watch out for the signs of being tired. Again, this is one of the body language that would tell you if the person is tired. But, this does not mean that the person is actually. Instead, this would simply mean that he or she is not in a position to focus on the conversation that you are starting. This can also be an indirect sign of being bored and Tired.
One of the indirect signs that you would be able to see in the other person's body language is the sweat dripping from the forehead. This is one of the most noticeable signs of him or her being uninterested. It would mean that the other person is not really interested in what you are trying to say.
Another body language sign that you would be able to notice is the tapping of the feet. This can also be a sign of getting bored. The tapping of the feet signifies that the person is into something. They would definitely keep tapping like this until you ask them to stop.
There are other body language signs that are indirectly related to the words that you are using. For example, you can tell if the person is interested if he or she faces your direction. This is because facing your direction means that the person is looking at your direction. Also, you can know if the person is not interested by watching his or her body language. When they walk, they will definitely keep looking at the ground while walking.
The other body language signs that you should be aware of are the tilt of the head and the movement of the eyes. When there are changes in these two movements, this means that the person may be interested in what you are saying. If the person were to look around the room, he or she would be able to tell what's going on. There are times when people would just stare at someone because of their eyes. These are signs that the person is not interested.
With the help of these signs, it would be easier for you to determine whether or not the other person is interested in you. Keep in mind that these signals do not always mean that the other person is interested in you. It simply means that they are paying attention to what you are talking about. When you two are together, it would be easier to know what the person wants.