Living on Crypto: Quitting your Job

in life •  7 years ago 

Starting on January 2018 I will officially be living on cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology. This was a long thought decision that I wish to document on a series called “Living on Crypto”.


Well, I know what you are thinking: “This guy is an idiot!, prices are up but they can also go down”, this is basically what everyone has told me since I made the decision and I am sure they say it because they actually worry about me, which is nice I guess. The thing is, I am relying on “non-volatile” sources of income, I am talking about consultancy, giving courses and conferences, and a paid position on a cryptocurrency start-up. Of course I still do (and love) all the crypto volatile stuff, like trading, mining and basically being a degenerate Hodler.

On future posts I will talk about how to make steady income with cryptocurrencies, however this chapter is about the first step you must take if you want to be a “blockchain professional”, which is of course quitting your existing day to day job.

I am sure many of you have thought about leaving your job recently. I mean, cryptocurrency does take a lot of our time right?, how can you manage to have a normal 8 to 5 job and stay up to the date with all the different 30 coins that you hold, write on Steemit, maintain your different nodes, look after your miners and trade on a daily basis?.. for me it was just getting nuts!

Another time consuming activity for us long time bitcoiners is answering phone calls, yes all those friends that used to think you were a complete lunatic, are now calling you all the time so that you help them buy cryptocurrencies or assist them building their miners. Some people I know just tell those friends to f*ck off, I chose to take revenge on a different way: I sell them crypto and charge them for my time. Isn't it funny how all those people that never believed in you can now be your clients?…

For me, quitting my job was the decent thing to do. I just didn't have the time to do everything, I know I am not going to quit crypto, so my office work had to go. I actually had a good job, probably the best I have had, well paid, I had my own big office, nobody busted my balls, but lately my passion just wasn't there anymore.

When I told my manager and the owners of the company I was leaving, they were ok with it, they seemed to asked a lot of Bitcoin related questions, they are old guys so I got a lot of things like “This is all drug money”, “but who is printing all of this coins?”.... I took the time to explain everything to them, but I am not sure they were convinced, they said this industry could be gone tomorrow, which is of course true, but the way I look at it is like any other industry; the oil industry took a hit after 2008 and many companies went belly up, the housing industry collapsed during that period too. All industries have their ups and down, this is normal and we should not be scared, we should be cautious yes, but not paralyzed by what could go wrong.

After renouncing my job, I went ahead and rented a coworking space, I will tell you more about what it is like on the next chapter, for now I leave you with a view of my new office...


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In all honestly it’s a great idea I’ve been living off of it and I’m sure you will be even better than me since you have more experience you just have to know what you’re getting into and the coming updates to it . Watch , you’ll prove everyone wrong . New year , new experience

This is what we can call a office,a stunning office.i don't know what is going to be happens after your decision but i am totally looking forward to your future posts.i would love to hear more from your.
Best of luck for your new lifestyle. i wish you had taken a great decision.

I don't think this is a bad move at all. I completely envy and respect you for your courage of doing it. It is indeed that crypto needs a lot of time and if you feel that you are ready to dedicate 100% then I can just congratulate you. Hope you will have a lot of success and never come to think about getting back to the old job!

Thanks for your wishes!

Congrats my Friend! This is awesome! I'm so glad for you!

Wow... espero tener el coraje para tomar la misma desicion algun dia... Por ahora vengo bien, pero no me da la nafta para vivir solo de las cryptos.. Muchos exitos y ojala cumplas todas tus metas...

I love your new office! Congratulations, I think you took the best decision, I wish you all the success of the world friend, New Year's New life!!!

Top class post @chitty. But I told you now, I'm not decide yet leave from my job. Probably I can do from me. I really liked your points.

People work their whole life so they can afford to stop working. If you can pull it off, go for it.

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I love your attitude. I hope that I could live on crypto one day. This is my first day on steemit and I am super excited! I am following you and I upvoted! :)


“Living on Crypto, Life going success"
Thanks to your opinions @chitty.
Resteem your post.

Marvelous office site ,very good thinking. life will be enjoyable here.

Great decision you've taken. Nice points you give to us how to earn more. Before I decided find what kind of cryptos profitable from coinmarketcap. I saw BTC is high movement it mooning and profit more if use correctly. Thanks for your article.

If there is anything that is constant, it is change. Very inspiring my friend! :)

This is probably the best decision you could made. The most important thing is that you do what you love. Btw, nice view from your new office:).

Yes, I feel that way too.. thank you for the good vibes.

I just quit my job for crypto as well. Do it soon if you can!

What a great office !! I could be your assistant haha, I thinkg it's a huge new blowmind idea, just read that another one who quit his job @kennethbosak and I was telling him that I wish I could do the same but seems so distant for me.

Blockchain is the future, hope I can learn fast to start making real money! I have to admit that I love making my stories for steemit and the thing is that I love it a bit more when I get rewarded because of that.

Totally following your trayectory with this and hoping that you could give me some advice to improve.

Wooow unbelive able office

I applaud your boldness and wish you the best of luck.

Thank you!

Just do it!

Good luck. I quitted my job in May and invested some money in cryptos and started steemit. since then i am broke but now my investments looks like a good thing but I will wait with them. On steemit I keep pushing, the next year looks great. Now I am looking for some freelance job in the crypto-startup world that I can start in January after half a year in the crypto world, so good luck for us all! The future looks bright after the dark times!

checkout .. good luck!

Thank you for the link.

Wow that is indeed a nice space you got there ;)
MAn in near future I am thinking of following your footsteps ;)
Let me build a backbone of my own in the market than will see .
I hope you have taken the right decision.Whatever that place is damn cool my man !

i think if u dedicate urself to cryptocurrencies forget othrs just steem....with little bit of startup investmentu cannot just make ur living but u can mak a fortune from it

@chitty - Sir the world most fantastic office I have just seen... Congratulations for your new career from 2018 onward & wish you success too.... You took a good decision & hope you will make huge success though it.... I also a house wife & earning by using this platform too.... (Sometimes, better than my husbands monthly wages :) )

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Dude you get a risky decision, but I know you got ability and you know what you are doing! So, this is a great thing! One more thing, I like your office, it seems wonderful and that kind of environment could bring innovation to the people! So, you made a correct choice by choosing this office space!
After all I wish you great success and all your future endeavors should bring you success as well! Probably in next year I will try to start my own business base on crypto and block chain technology! Now a days I am planing it! Sometimes I could get your help and advice at that time!


with that word, very impressive and amazing, very impressive and amazing, thanks to this word can make me motivated life, thanks @chitty

I have a business which affords me time to focus on crypto. I am very new to it all and am trying to learn to diagnose and make informative decisions on investing. I tend to be impulsive but reading your posts help me to take a more educated and calculated inference into this wild wonderful world. I look forward to learning much from you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I liked this post thanks for share bitcoin

Very gutsy

Wow. I just had an e-Wallet opened last week, with the help of a friend. Good luck to you. You have thirty types of crypto coins?

I hope do so, it was great if can work and travel anywhere without stick on fix office.....

thanks chitty for upvoting

I could actually right now living in crypto hahaha but i have a company that still makes me more money right now but at the rate my crypto wealth is growing from trading i don't know for how long :D

It isn't too late to start buying Bitcoin!

Beautiful office. Looking forward to following your journey and doing the same. As a polymath, I am dying from bondage with the 9 to 5 (which is more like 7am to 2 am). Keep encouraging others! Thanks.

Good luck and keep us in th

I think that you did everything right. I do not know much about cryptocurrencies but it's exactly right that it eat up a lot of time. Your decision is good because you know all about this field and you have a great experience. This is why you left your job because can see the future in this field. @chitty I wish you'll have a great success and never think to go back. And I am so excited to your future posts because that shall be so learnable. And you are about to start a new chapter. I am glad for your great decision. All the very best!

you made the right decition! We as well quit the job. but now now, we did it 1 year ago, before we came to know about the Crypto and the Steemit Plattform. So finally we are happy to find this new level as well with crypto and working everyday on it. I understand fully, that many people dint understand what we are doing and how we can pay the rent and that all. Even my closest friend didnt understand that thing till today... So I can feel exactly what you mean.

Te cuento que yo tampoco regreso a mi anterior trabajo, me tocaría integrarme el 8 de enero, pero no pienso regresar.
me quedaré haciendo buceo y seguiré escribiendo en steemit.
creo que mi tiempo cada vez es mas limitado, para estarlo perdiendo en un turno de 8 horas de lunes a viernes, y de paso, hacer magia para poder bucear y escribir. estoy persiguiendo la libertad a través de la cadena de bloques. saludos querido amigo.

Bueno chamo, aquí en Venezuela lo loco sería mantenerse en un trabajo formal y no dedicarse a las criptomonedas... Mucha gente inteligente aún no se convence de que las criptos son el futuro, ¿Pero que se le va a hacer?, mucha gente decía que el automovil nunca reemplazaría a los caballos como medio de transporte...
Ahora vivir de las criptomonedas en un pais de primer mundo es bastante riesgoso, pero si tienes ya un background lo suficientemente bueno, puedes hacerlo, no serías el primero... Mucho éxito en tu emprendimiento, seguro lo tendrás! :)