Can You Make Life 1% Better? - Daily Meditation #21

in life •  7 years ago 

I've never admitted it in public, but I suppose today is as good a day as any: I've suffered from depression for the last 15 years of my life. In my teens, it was the type of depression that leaves you bedridden, teary eyed, and defeated. In my adulthood, my depression was characterized by fatigue, agitation, and a general indifference towards life. Today, I am happy to say that I have been doing well for a long time now.

When bouts of depression were setting in, I knew I wasn't thinking clearly. Life seemed unmanageable, but I was functioning just fine a few days ago. What was simple before now seemed insurmountable. So, I needed a rule to follow when I was feeling depressed, and it had to be simple enough that my mind couldn't trick me out of following it.

This rule had to be easy enough that I could:

1) Follow it without thinking

2) Manage to follow it even when I was at my worst

So, I came up with the 1% Rule.

Make Life 1% Better

The rule of making life 1% better is a useful tool. It is an invitation to begin solving the problems that plague you, without getting snarled up in excuses and hangups. I used to picture progress as a monumental, life-changing, and effort-laden undertaking. In reality, progress is often slow, yet cumulative. 1% is enough to get you going, and it's still something to be proud of.

If I was in a really dark place, 1% might mean just getting out of bed. Once I had accomplished that, I would wash a single dish from the monsterous pile in my sink. Then I would simply repeat the 1% rule until that pile of dishes was gone. Then I'd shower, get dressed, and promise myself to at least walk to work, even if I promptly turned around and went home. More often than not, I'd stay for the whole workday, because I had generated a lot of momentum by following the 1% rule.

You don't have to be depressed to have this rule work for you, although it is a great tool for people in distress. Clear and realistic thinking is beneficial to anyone that is facing a mental block. If you have a task that you know you can accomplish, but you currently aren't approaching the problem, just start with 1%.

What Would 1% Look Like For You Today?

I am certain that there is a problem plaguing you. There is a conversation that you need to have, or a book that needs to be written, or a garage that needed to be cleared out three years ago. What is the smallest, most manageable, and realistic step that you could take to begin tackling this problem? Pick a problem, identify the first step, and promise yourself that you'll move 1% closer towards solving it.

Have you had your own battles with depression? Or do you find it hard to generate progress? I'd love to hear if you find this rule helpful, and if it is something that you might try. Leave me a comment below, and we can discuss your ideas on this topic.

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Good, honest words @chrismccron. Thank you for sharing your trials and for sharing the coping mechanisms that have helped you. I too suffer from depression and am still navigating its treacherous waters. Today I will wash at least 1% of the dirty dishes that have piled up!

Keep at it! There really is light at the end of the tunnel. This is coming from a guy that was skeptical of his chances of recovery for a lo0o0ng time. Thank you for your honest comment.

100% agree with your 1% rule. This has got me through many a situation that seemed overwhelming when I thought only in terms of the end result that I needed to achieve. Thinking instead of the initial, smallest step helps put things in perspective and often the subsequent steps follow on more easily once that fear of beginning has been overcome. Kudos to you for getting to a good place in your life and thanks for sharing.

Everything we do is a series of very small steps! It's just a matter of acknowledging that we can always make one small step towards progress.

one psych grad to another - isn't it amazing how being stubborn in one direction or the other can change our days?

GET OUT OF BED AND DO SOMETHING and then BAM you're doing three things. you've gotten dressed. holy crap you actually smiled!

getting out of a funk is tough, but it's that first step/choice/movement that's the hardest. "an object in motion stays in motion" - thanks, newton.

and thank you! <3

Ha! True! I like the Newton thing. Inertia is a real pest, but once you overcome it, you can keep going (until you meet resistance, but that is a topic for another day; Damn you, Newton...).

I have been using your idea this week to keep on getting back on track. It even helps my focus issues. Because, well 1% is something after all. Thank you very much!

Hey, @Marillaanne! Thank you! I am glad this concept has been helping you out. It' simple, but very powerful when taken to heart.

Thanks for sharing your experience in all honesty. Good read with proper life advice.

Reminds me of a saying of Marc Aurel that worked as an anchor for me, when I found myself in trying places.

"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."

That is a fantastic quote. It's logical, but also inspiring.

And you mean that Marcus Aurelius said that right? Haha I'm not sure if you know, but these daily meditations are inspired by him! I am happy to have channeled him a bit today! ;)

:D excellent! Didn't know that it is inspired by him. May he be channeled many times more ;)

I'm glad you found your own way and shared it with us. I often think like this - If you can start doing it in five minutes, start it now!

Thank you! It's a simple mental trick that keeps me moving forward. It's a bit gimmicky, but it works.

And if it works - why not use it, right?

This post is evidence of the genius in you. You should write a doctoral thesis on this

Thank you @spozone! I studied psychology and have a degree in it, but I don't think that I am ever going back for a PhD hahaha I'm too tuckered out ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Same here. Gave up grad school for a saw, a hammer, a skimboard, and a surf shack on the beach. Much better choice. I live free and easy. At liberty to go to and fro whenever. I set my path, determine my own destiny without a boss or any person lording over me except the Lord God. I am indeed blessed, every day I try and live as if it were my last but it doesn't always work out that way. At 55 I find I am more concerned about preparing for that 8th stage of man and want to be a man of integrity not despair. Erickson... Way smart.

Hahaha I am still resolving earlier stages. I think I'm at the intimacy-isolation stage (paraphrasing, forget the real name). I think I am on my way out of it though!

Brilliant post @chrismccron and a very useful and practical approach to dealing with a part of the problem. I have suffered with mild depression my whole life too and one of my siblings has had it severely... so I know all about it...

It takes a lot of courage to open up about things like this, especially on a public platform.... so hats off to you hon xxx


I am sad to hear that you, your sibling, and I have all had our own issues with this problem. It's a nasty one to contend with. Simply moving forward, just a little bit, everyday, helps to solve a lot of the problems that depression can create.

Thank you for the encouragement, @Jaynie!


Any mile we are going to walk along will start with the first step to be done. I wonder how to use this percentage when somebody is in breakup; suffering from infidelity… the article is positive leading to awareness that the force to save us is inside.

I think that this rule is meant to help you tackle any form of adversity. It's all about overcoming the initial inertia that holds us in place. It's too easy to wallow, so we need a simple heuristic to carry us through the tough times. The 1% rule is simply urging us to never let up, even when we have to crawl.

Thoughtful of you to share your experience with depression. I have had my shares of depression too in life. They came basically from love for the opposite sex that was not returned. But at some point I learnt it was just a part of life and I grew out of it. Thanks for sharing your 1% rule,it was really helpful!

I am so happy that you found it helpful, @Kweenbrand. Depression can be very difficult to manage, so I find that simple rules really help me. Also, putting this stuff up on my blog reminds me to use this rule when I truly need it. Stay strong!

A very brave and bold post @chrismccron... that took a lot of courage to share.

Thank you! It means a lot coming from the BEST DAMN CURATION ACCOUNT ON STEEMIT!!! #steemitbloggers

Congrats on over coming depression. I also suffered from depression in my teens, and to be sincere I was too timid to admit it until I suffered a nervous breakdown.

Posts like this could help someone in this kind of situation.

Thanks for sharing @chrismccron

@Korexe, that's a lot to carry. I too have had what I would call a nervous breakdown. It resulted in me isolating myself in a room for a few days and not being able to see anyone but my girlfriend at the time.

I used to think that incident made me weak, but I have overcome it all to be a strong person today. Something tells me that you are made of the stuff that I am made out of too!

We may share a few similarities. These words helped me overcome depression

I am stronger than I think

Sometimes sharing your travails helps others out of theirs. It's the least we can do.

Good morning from this time zone

I can't even imagine how it is to suffer from depression for 15 years. I can barely be blue for about 15 seconds... and then I get another excellent idea, lol.
I am glad you are out of it.

It has been tough, but I have it really good in other ways. It's kind of my cross to bear, and I think I've learned to carry it well.

Thank you for your support and your comment.

good, practical advice. So glad you are doing well these days!

Thank you! I am too.

The rule of making life 1% better is a useful tool.Very true and i like this one for sure.