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So am I !

when i calculated this in google calculator it comes out to be 97,48,467.91 Indian Rupee = its close to 1 crore Indian Rs
its shocking for non Americans because all this can be done under 5 lacks if treated in India :) :)

lol, lets move to India !!

U r welcome ,if you love travelling then there's alot to see and experience :)

will go there some day :D !

For medical facilities is it ?? :P :P hahaha

@ruthlessnerd posted this today too...
My reaction is simple: In Belgium we pay a ton of taxes, but shit like this can never happen here, we would pay like 5 EUR for the medication and the rest would be covered by national health care. For the stay in the hospital you can have a private insurance which would cost you like a 100 EUR a month and so all the other medical expenses would be covered too.. So why people want to get rid of Obamacare, I really don't understand...