Life: A Journey Worth Taking

in life •  7 years ago 

lifes_journey.jpgLife is beautiful although the journey through it is a roller coaster ride. There were ups and downs. Along it's bouncy road were lots of detour. It is indeed a perfect blend of joy and sorrow, inspiration and exasperation, love and hatred, trust and doubts, endeavor and failures, tranquility and pain, of peace and chaos. There were times that one would wished to experience a heavy traffic because of being tired with all these deviations. Life is not perfect, but surely it is beautiful. Amidst all the pressures are strands of various blessings. It is only up to us, the driver, how to manage driving through it's route.
The very moment we acquired our first breath and first sight, we already had the chance of witnessing how beautiful life is. Blessings and opportunities are there. As we grow older, changes were also coming along the way. Changes brought by achievements, failures, happiness, sadness, and by our mistakes. We were being tested physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. These were considered the storms in life. The big deal now is on how we reacted to these storms. Are we just gonna give up without even giving it a try, or are we courageous enough to stand still despite any dilemma?1_gKpefHYzF-lJB7wk58WTjg.jpeg
Life is beautiful especially if we just possess within us the spirif of optimism. It is important to see the positive perspective of certain situation rather than focusing on the negative side. Problems are just like training grounds that will prepare us for our life's battle. It will measure our strengths and weaknesses, our courage and faith. Open-mindedness is important to accept changes, both good and bad. Sometimes challenges seemed to be very hard and almost eat up all our strengths. This pushed us nearly on the point of giving up. Everything turned black that you cannot even see the light. Hope is gone. Situations like this consumed the whole us. We sometimes didn't know where to go and what to do. Due to this. some lose their sense of direction and committed suicide.
Any suicide acts were not really the answer to all, instead it is hope, courage and faith. One must have the strengthened version of Her faith that nothing in our life is unpredictable nor erratic. All has purpose. All has reasons just as God has His own reasons of creating everything even the be time w we were unborn yet. We may lose our balance as we hurdled the obstacle but this will make us stronger and brave enough to stand again and be
Success and failure go hand in hand so as happiness and sadness. That what makes life seemed to be more complex. It's as if nobody can be happier without experiencing those sad and lonely moments. Many of our Great Men succeeded in all there endeavors because of not having pull backs despite all hindrances. As they said, when your life is free from hardships, you will become lame or paralyzed. Infact, my favorite line says, "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man is perfected without trials." Life is actually a beautiful struggle. One just have to deal with all the challenges. Like a rose, along with it's exquisite petals, are the thorns. But the thorns didn't minimized the beauty it possesses, instead it adds to it's uniqueness. So with our lives, full of thorns- pain, hatred, loneliness, failures, and disappointment, but still it is beautiful, great, and most of all, it is worth living.How-to-Live-Life-to-the-Fullest-2016-Apps-1-720x488.jpg

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