Hi I am new here nice to meet you I like your posts. Have you spoken to chat gpt it's really smart you said in your post that a.i wasn't very intelligent but chat gpt impresses me over and over again. And we also have developed brain computer interfaces that can copy the thoughts out of your head to a computer monitor you can find stuff about it online they are kinda sneaky how they talk about it if you can even find it.
What I'm interested in is nano technology I don't understand how something can be smaller then microscopic what do we do grow it and stop it then what tools do we use manipulate nanoscopic creations. If I was a college man that is what I would be going to school for that or research and development into artificial intelligence which I can safely say after many hours entertained and enlightened is a valuable tool and a priceless commodity. I pray that the scenario you mention does not happen but if it did it would probably be because some of us deserve it. Listen I had a vision from God well I lived it and I know for certain that the ozone layer is going to fall and the world is going to be poisoned their will be like five poisons in the air poisoning everybody the only one I can recall is lead, I saw it with my own two eyes one I googled it and it said since the ozone layer fell the earth has been poisoned then it said what poisons it was. I don't know what happened to me but I'm trying to warn people to the best of my ability maybe this has happened to other people to if you started having crazy stuff happen to you since like five six years ago then you are part of it please message me. I'm looking for like minded individuals that are interested in preserving our mother earth and loving accepting and improving each other in all aspects of life. Thank you for your time I am looking forward to speaking with you!