"COCO" stands for COCO, traded on Steem-Engine and for SWAP.COCO, traded on Hive-Engine.
Here you can read how to swap COCO/SWAP.COCO between Steem-Engine and Hive-Engine.
Current number of COCO and SWAP.COCO transferred to co2fund: 158339.04535 COCO
This equals currently 449.68 US$
List of Activists
who have transferred COCO to @co2fund to compensate CO2
Activist | COCO |
@ykretz | 420.03533 |
@wesphilbin | 104.20070 |
@jeffjagoe | 12.00000 |
@votebetting | 221.84770 |
@phoenixwren | 5398.00000 |
@luminaryhmo | 204.20070 |
@erikklok | 3000.00000 |
@coolguy123 | 200.00000 |
@brickmanbrad | 636.40140 |
@ecoinstats | 132.00000 |
@dylanhobalart | 10000.00000 |
@gregan | 4.20070 |
@fionasfavourites | 200.00000 |
@ecoinstant | 1476.00000 |
@natha93 | 0.10000 |
@vincentnijman | 100.00000 |
@artax89 | 204.20070 |
@wongshiying | 50.00000 |
@thisisawesome | 204.20070 |
@trayan | 300.20070 |
@gidlark | 204.20070 |
@anarcist69 | 204.20070 |
@pibara | 1277.00630 |
@jsantana | 30.00000 |
@cwow2 | 100.00000 |
@peekbit | 29430.04902 |
@retinox | 33672.00000 |
Dedicated to @co2fund
- Delegations
Delegator | SP |
@co2admin | ≥ 40 |
@ecoinstant | ≥ 50 |
@retinox | ≥ 100 |
- Stake Based Income
Sponsor | SBI shares |
@ecoinstant | 50 |
COCO is covered(1) by the account value of @co2admin and @co2fund.
Value on Steem(2) and Hive(3) of both accounts approximately:
264.01 US$
In addition:
- tokens on steem-engine(4)(6) and hive-engine(5)(6).
- more than 1111 AFIT tokens on
- 50 SBI on Steem
- 50 SBI on Hive
(1) see CO2Fund's White Paper
(2) Source: and
(3) Source: and
(4) Source: and
(5) Source: and
(6) Value of staked tokens not available; value of staked COCO estimated.
Upvotes @co2fund receives for this post will increase the coverage of the CO2 Compensation Coin (Symbol: COCO)
⇒ more HODL of COCO
⇒ a higher value of COCO
⇒ every upvote supports CO2 compensation projects too 👍🏼
Thank you all for supporting our CO2Fund
All in Order to Convince: FAQ and the Concept in a Nutshell
Further information
- CO2Fund: Steem / Website / Discord
- CO2Fund is a section of the Simplex World Society: Steem / Website
- CO2Fund's White Paper
- CO2 Compensation Coin (Symbol: COCO) available on
- CO2 Compensation Coin (Symbol: SWAP.COCO) available on
- Nomination of CO2 compensation projects
- Step by step guide how to compensate
- ‼️ Incentive Program for member acquisition. Get your reward!