Love Effects Reality, Nothing is Real.

in life •  8 years ago 

From time to time random songs will come our of no where in my head. When I say out of no where I mean it, sometimes it can be a song I had not heard or thought about in years. Next thing I know clear as day it is playing in my head for no explainable reason.

This morning it was The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever and Backstreet Boys - Larger Than Life. I would typtically just hum along and go about my day but @aprilangel is convinced I have clairaudience. We decided to look up the lyrics for each song in a search for meaning. We came up with the below by piecing two relevant verses together.

Love effects reality, nothing is real.

I joked about using it as a blog title for steemit and she suggested I actually do it. I decided to put together ideas to explain the concept that had just came out of the ether. No small feat, it also does not help that the statement is a little contradictory.

In contemplation we came to the conclusion that instead of being contradictory the second part validates the first. Meaning that since nothing is real, love can easily effect it. @aprilangel referred to life being the canvas and love being the paintbrush.

The different colors painted on this canvas are our different emotions. Imagine for a moment that white is love and black is fear, ranging in between of love and fear is a full spectrum of colors from which we paint our lives. It is up to use to decide which colors we use in our lives.

It is said that even in the best of times there are people having the worst of times and in the worst of times people having the best of times. I feel this is true and no matter what era you are in it is up to you to either make it the best or the worst. Not to say it is good to live in a false idealistic version of reality because in its extremes it can be unhealthy.

Having a good perspective and positive outlook is key. I once heard "if it will not matter in five years, do not give it more than five minutes of your life". Hopefully that statement had as much impact on you as it did me. Very good advice on not sweating the small stuff.

Lately as I have aged a bit and am now in my thirties it is as though I no longer have enough energy to hate. Some recent drama happened where someone used their authority in a way to coerce me into doing something they felt was righteous. To some I was wronged but personally I had nothing but love for this individual, in their version of reality they were completely justified in their actions.

Such a peaceful state of mind to love and focus on love. An old saying of "if you wait long enough all of your enemies will eventually die" fits here. In time all will be revealed, it is just a matter of letting things work themselves out. I do my best not to try to force a situation one way or another depending on my attachment to an outcome and let thing develop as they may.

For me this theory has to do with karma and not knowing the whether in fact my involvement in the end will lead to something good or bad. Time is tricky and something you think is good now, in time may be bad. The reverse is also true, something you perceive bad now may end up leading to something amazingly wonderful. If you are with the flow and open to these possibilities it then becomes "all good".

I can not stress enough that everything is within you. The words you see on your screen right now are not on a screen. Light has entered your eye and been translated into electrical signals being interpenetrated by your brain. So in a very literal sense everything is within you.

So what am I?

This is for you to decide and you will spend your whole life defining it each moment. I can however tell you what are not, a flesh and blood body. People so often refer to the vessel as what they are when it is just merely a vessel. The best way this was explained to me was to visit a whirlpool in a stream.

A whirlpool in a stream is compromised of flowing water that has happened to take the form of a whirlpool. Each passing moment that structure is compromised of a completely different set of molecules but you can come by day after day and it will still be there. Your body is of the exact same process just not as quick of a turn over obviously. For example your skin completely regenerates after something like 7 years, the same goes for the rest of your body.

I have some theories as to what we are in regard to the very electrical signal passing back and forth between the two hemispheres of the brain but am going to leave that for a different post. In closing practice focusing on love and using it to paint your canvas in the prettiest of colors. If someone comes and smears your canvas with hate just smother them with love.


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@codydeeds, I love this! I am going to work harder to be ONLY love. Gonna start praying more for God to give me this grace. :) Thanks for being an inspiration to me.

Sounds wonderful, you will have more energy if you can. Negativity is taxing.

Ugh. True!

Nailed it.


Zen master you are. Tao Te Ching Style.

"if it will not matter in five years, do not give it more than five minutes of your life".

I have also heard:

"If it won't matter a week from now, it doesn't matter right now."

Thank you for this balanced reminder to go with the flow.

Not a problem, I am sure my future posts will follow a similar theme.

What a lovely perspective on life. Really felt like I gained some valuable insight on this. Thank you for sharing. And love the part about life is the canvas and our emotions are the colors! And way to be a peace holding unconditional love to others that are going through some tough times.

Thank you for your comment, the support is greatly appreciated. Funny how the universe tests you. We had some tough situations of will today, may write a bit about it tonight.

Very nice thoughts. It is hard to imagine that there would be less of this.

Yes, I am not sure on the gravitation towards negativity.