Nobody is here on earth as a mistake, there is a reason for our existence. It is sad when people begin to complain and murmur as if God made a mistake of creating them.
Such folks only see their infirmities, weakness and what is wrong in their life. If they had looked beyond that weakness they discover something positive they could have used to exert on that weakness.
There are so much deposited inside of you that you not yet discovered. It is therefore up to us to looked deep inside us and will recover many potentials which has been dormant.
I spoke to a blind man sometime ago and I was shocked by his intelligence. I tried to find out how he can identify people by their voices and determine whether someone is beautiful or not just by listening to the tone of his or her voice.
His answer was amazing and excellent.
He explained that God gave us five senses which we all know of( eye, ears, tongue, nose and skin). Of all the five sense organs the eye is the most powerful and so those who see really greatly on their eyes than the rest of the sense organs.
He explained that you only discover how important the other sense organs are when you become blind.
Many do not focus on what they can possibly do instead they focus on the troubles, the problems, the Impossibilities and the weakness. It is time for you to look beyond what you see to make a difference.