Effect Of The Past, Contributed by @Olawalium

in life •  7 years ago 


We all have it. The past has a way of influencing our future and messing up with our present, especially the negative ones. It robs us of the present as well as the future.

Those who waste today, lamenting yesterday, will definitely waste tomorrow, lamenting today.

The past sometimes hinder us, if we let it. It has a strong hold on us and most times it is a struggle to break free. The past brings a lot of fears, which hinders us from being productive. Fear is a perfect path to failure.

I love being practical. I won’t tell you it is so easy to wriggle your way off your past, no I won’t, but I would let you know it takes conscious effort to break free from it, and it is very possible. Time happens to everything.

Do not live in self-denial. Recognize the hold it has on you first. Only then can you know the way forward. They used to say, the day you recognize that you need help, that is when the healing process begins.


How do you let go when you are crumbling under the weight of the past? We all have different ways of dealing with hurt. We all have varying ways of which we let go. My own power has always been in the way I view things. I gradually started with a change of mindset.

I have come to realize that the past is nothing but the past, and that is where it belongs. It has no power to repeat itself again unless I let it. The past has no power, except the power I give to it. I choose to let it stay where it belongs; the past.

We cannot go back to make a brand new start, but we can always make a happy ending. There are some events we wish we could go back to change, and there are some that bring memories, but this post is aimed at those pasts that hold us down because they remind us of the mistakes we have made and the choices we got wrong.

Learn from the past, and try... I say...try to move on. You cannot stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop it from having a nest on your head. You can’t change the past unless you figure out time travel, but then it will still affect the present and rob you of the valuable lessons you have learned and the experiences you have gathered.

You are better than you were yesterday based on the choices you made yesterday, whether good or bad. Don’t live your life in pity and rob yourself of what life has to offer by clinging on to past pain; whether in wrong marital choices, business decisions, or career paths. Pick yourself up, and try again. In my tribe, they would say:
“The pig would get to its destination, it will only cause more noise”.


You will get there, but the journey of a thousand miles begins today. Let go of the past, its weight and baggage, pick the lessons from there and start all over again. I didn’t tell you it would be easy like I always say, but it would be worth it. Let go, you deserve to be happy. You won’t be the only one hurting when you hold onto your pain from the past, remember the lives you will hurt too afterward. Do it for you, do it for others, and let go.

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This is one of the best piece from the love doctor @olawalium
Often time, we allow the pains of our past to rub us the joy of today. We allow the worry of tomorrow to steal away from us the reality of today. And we end up not living either in the past, the present nor even the future.
I wish people come to the light of this word of yours @olawalium and start living to enjoy the moment.
Thank you @communitycoin for this great work.

You have said it all. Honestly this post is one of the post i have learned from in steemit infact am in love with your post.
And for this reason i will follow you.
Hope i can get more of it often?

You can never be disappointed doing so, thanks for the compliment.

Joy of moment, that is key. Thanks for this. Well done. Really appreciate your kind words.

That's point...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

True words! But just a quick reminder, when you do bury the past, try not to remember the cemetary. I say this because some people claim to bury the past, but still revisit the burial ground to know whether the ground has been washed away.

Remembering the pain of the past will only bring self-hate and regret.
The best thing is just to forge ahead in life. Happiness is a key factor to continuity in life.Life happens... So life must go on. Thank you @olawalium for this... Thank you @communitycoin

Exactly, life happens and it must go on. Thanks a lot dear.

I had self esteem issues for a long time because I couldn't shake off my childhood. The past should never define you, so don't let it. Learn from it and move on

Let past be in the past, that's where they belong, we can't act on them. But we can make a choice today to free ourselves from whatever negative effect our past is having on our present.
Great piece by @olawalium

Thank you so much brother. Delights me to know you like it.

Very nice this is so good. The Past limits us amd hinders our journey. Those who want to move fast must travel light. Thank you @communitycoin and to you too @olawalium

Thank you so much. It's such an honour. I appreciate you

Yes we can make it!
We can make the future better than yesterday,lets start planning it now and forget the past cos past delays

@communitycoin I am grateful for an opportunity as this. This is nice. Thank you.