Take A Minute And Admire The Earth's Beautiful Creatures!

in life •  8 years ago 

Life moves so fast in modern society that we often don't take the time to "stop and smell the roses."

There are so many beautiful creatures around us every day, and yet most people don't notice them even when they are right in front of their eyes!

If we take the average human lifespan from different regions and average them out, we find that the average human being lives for 68-72 years. Think about that for a second. In the whole of things, that really isn't very long.

My point is that we should cherish each and every day. Heck, we should cherish each and every minute that we have on this planet!

One of the things that I think people take for granted the most is the creatures that occupy Earth with us. We don't take the time to admire them properly, and what's worse, most of the time we don't treat them properly.

I'm not trying to give a lecture on morality and how the human race mistreats animals. On the contrary, I'm trying to get people to open their eyes and simply appreciate all of the different life forms that we coexist with.

Now, I understand that not all of us can travel to Africa or Australia to admire the wildlife there. However, there are many ways that we can appreciate all kinds of different forms of life. There are museums, zoos, aquariums, aviaries, and other institutions that are easily accessible to just about everybody.

Instead of taking your kids to a movie on Saturday, take them to the zoo! Take them to a natural history museum, or on a nature hike, or fishing. I think you'll find the experience will be very rewarding to all parties involved.

I've taken a few minutes and put together a short video with some images of just a few of the thousands and thousands of beautiful animals that roam the earth. However, I urge you to find out how you can see these amazing animals in person!

The Beauty Of The Earth's Gorgeous Creatures

I hope you've enjoyed the video, and I hope it motivates you to get out there and experience something new. Remember, life is short. Use your time to the fullest!

I also recommend you get in the habit of trying to do one kind thing for another living creature every day. You'd be surprised how good it will make you feel.

I really appreciate you taking the time to read this article. If you found it inspirational or helpful, them my job is done!

If you'd like to follow me, I'd love to have you: @contentking

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Beauty is everywhere for the person who's awake. To be truly present to something is to see it for the first time; to be without judgement.

Enjoyed it indeed!
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