Today Is My Birthday! // Let's Play a Little Corsucate Trivia (Prize is 5 Steem)

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Friends!

I'm a birthday person. I'm a total freak about birthday's. I love doing crazy, fun things for my friends and I love having fun celebrating my own. I've been doing fun things all week with friends and am heading to a fun party at my friends lake house later today!

I wanted to do something fun here on my channel today as well. Below are some random questions about me. Whoever guesses the most correct answers will win 5 steem! I'm not totally sure how long I'll keep this contest open, but it may only be for a day or two - so don't put off dropping your guesses.

Trivia Time

  • How old do you think I am?
  • Where was I born?
  • How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have?
  • What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele?
  • I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift?
  • Have I ever been arrested?
  • Do I have any tattoos?
  • If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be?

I can't wait to see all of your responses and for you guys to get to know me a little better! I'll post a video response answering all of these and announcing the winner when the contest ends.

Love you Guys!

I hope you all have an awesome weekend too. I gotta go start making some of the appy's/side dishes I signed up to bring to the party today. Ciao!

XO, Lea


More of my Steemy Adventures

Check out the Latest Steem Sister Show Episode
Steem Monsters Fan Fiction Show with @littlescribe and @coruscate
Watch My Talk at the Steem Creators Conference
Follow The Muse Project - Empowering Women on the Blockchain - with @ogc and @coruscate
Learn More About Mene 24k Gold Investment Jewelry

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Greetings, linda Coruscate

What is your name?

I knew your blog today and I intend to stay forever. You're charming and very nice. How nice that today is your birthday. Tomorrow is my hehehe.

I will try to answer the questions about you, even having met you today. I use the "strength of mind" to answer hehehe.

1-24 years
2-Any country in Europe
4-be happy
6-I hope not. Only your heart holds the other.
7-yes. 2

I hope that I have hit some. Wish a happy birthday to you.

Good celebrations!!

And fish is a dish:)

Happy late birthday @julisavio

thank you, Nomadic :D

At least 1 named Luke
Somewhere over the rainbow?

BONUS answer:

You love la Croix

Your bf is @raised2be ( I hope my answers got in before he entered)

You worked at a coffee shop

You enjoy long jogs, singing Gold related songs at sunsets, and wearing Mene 24k

I think I have strong contenders here, but I will surprise you. Haha!

You sound like you like Sushi:)


You are so sweet!!! Thank you for the birthday wishes!

We must be both catching up on Steemit right now! hehe Fun's gotta end though - time for me to leave for work. I hope you have an awesome day! It was fun chatting with you this morning! (well... morning for me!)

Happy Birthday @coruscate.
I know your a year older than last year, (and a gentleman never asks or guesses a lady's age)
I think you were born in a hospital (haha)
I don't think you have any brothers
The first song you learned was (the firestarter, by prodigy)
Your free mene managed to buy you your coffee :D
I think you have been arrested, but for something daft like jaywalking
I think you have a hidden tattoo that you got in jail while serving your time for jaywalking
And I think the one dish you would eat everyday would be something spicy, because your already sweet enough as it is.

I hope this comment made you smile for you birthday as this is the only gift I can give you.

Love and peace


Happy birthday and yeah sorry I don't have any answer of your questions. I'm new here. I'm just scrolling my feed have seen your account, it's really good. I like your work.

Happy birthday to you @coruscate
I just imagined the wind blow against your skin so delicate
It's your day, can i take you on a date?
I would gladly wait all day at your beautiful gate
That's because i don't ever like being late
An adorable soul like you deserve all love and no hate
Happy birthday to you beautiful soul. I wish you many more to come.

To answer just a few questions:

*You don't have any tattoo.

*You have never been arrested.

*You are all girls, so you have no brother.

*How old do i think you are? Well, since it is what i think, i guess this is a bonus point? Hahaha. Your hair looks 15, your smile 13, let me go with 28 in general.

You like waffles, right?

Happy birthday to you @coruscate I wish you long life and more prosperity with your bf. A great adventure lover of Violin, piano and UKulere model...

  • 29years above
  • Canada presently In USA (WC)
  • four brothers with your sister
  • Piano Singing song related to gold, you love #Mene24karat
  • $100
  • No
  • No
  • Sushi / Thai food and Chinese food but your first choice is #🍣 SUSHI

happy birthday :) sorry it's late.

Happy B Day Lady @coruscate. Yay! Get it on!

,happy birthday to you, wishing you a long life and prosperity

hold my beer

  • You turned 29 or 30.
  • Not in Bellingham :D mid or east of the USA
  • You have 3 brothers
  • Something from The Beatles
  • 50$
  • No
  • You are not a tattoo person, but you have a little one somewhere
  • sushi

Happy Birthday girl! Have an AWESOME day!! 🎂🎉🎶🎈

Happy Bday!

How old do you think I am? 31
Where was I born? Canada
How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have? 4
What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele? You are my Sunshine
I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift? $100.00
Have I ever been arrested? Yes
Do I have any tattoos? No
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be? Sushi

Lols, you like Sushi too?😂

I wish you a Happy Birthday :D

Hey, happy birthday! May all your wishes come true.

... so you wish to get some answers. Wow, those are some awkward questions. Nevertheless, I can't resist.

  • Your age? Wow, that's a booby trap. Let's say 25.
  • Your place of birth? Probably somewhere in the US. Seattle?
  • You have brothers? In the plural? Well, let it be 2. That's a pretty big family already.
  • Your first song on the ukulele? Mine was "White sandy beach". Maybe yours was "Surf"?
  • The Mene credit seemed to be a surprise, so I think they were generous. $50?
  • Have you ever been arrested? I hope not. No.
  • Tattoos? You are modelling, so I hope you don't have any. No.
  • A dish to eat everyday? For me it would be pasta with tomato sauce. You look more like raw apples. No offence meant; at your age (whatever it may be) I was rather slim, too.

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday 🎂 I don't know the answer to the questions but I hope you have a great day anyways :P


Hahaha, brilliant!

*Not a day over 21 ;). Real answer, 29.
*1 brother
*Earth. North America. USA. Washington. In a Hospital.

Happy birthday!
Don't really know you enough for the trivia yet though hah.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

22 years
Zero XD
Is this love of bob marley
2 times


Happy b-day, Lea! Hope it’s a blessed one 😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

Happy Birthday!!!


Cool contest
Firstly, Happy birthday to you
How old do you think I am?

Where was I born?

Madrid, Spain

How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have?

What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele?
To be honest, no idea I guess "We are the world"

I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift?

Have I ever been arrested?

Do I have any tattoos?

If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be?
Bread meal with vegetable

27 años.
son dos hermanas.
si, en una oportunidad te arrestaron-
si tienes tatuaje.
comería panqueques.

How old do you think I am?

Where was I born?
North carolina

How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have?

What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele?
Somewhere over the rainbow

I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift?

Have I ever been arrested?

Do I have any tattoos?
Yes... I'm gonna guess you at least have a butterfly if not near your pelvic region than on your foot.
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be?

Happy Birthday to you. Wish you the Best.
Enjoy your day

Happy Birthday@coruscate

  1. 25
  2. USA
  3. 3 brothers
  4. Mercy said no
  5. 50$
  6. Yes
  7. Yes
  8. chicken and chips.

Happy Birthday, Lea! :D

I'm Yours

Would it be cheating if I played? 😆

Oooh do it!!!! ❤️



Alright... let's see if I've been paying attention...

1.) 27
2.) In the desert I think? Arizona?
3.) 3 brothers... 5 kids all up.
4.) I'm going to guess something gospel or hymny... maybe Little Drummer Ukulele Boy.
5.) Hmm, I'm guessing they'd give everyone $15 on their birthday... but for you.. maybe $50.
6.) I'd say not. Even though you're super fun, I think you're amazing at following the rules. @maryjaney on the other hand...
7.) No. Tattoos are too permanent for the slightly-indecisive.
8.) Sushi 100% - totes magoats.

Hope you're having an amazing Saturday full of all the funness!

Did you know that your birthday is also @dtube's birthday ⁉️

Happy birthday @coruscate and @dtube!

Happy Birthday@coruscate

2 brothers
Mercy said no

Happy birthday and many more fruitful years ahead.

Happy birthday to you

I started following you a couple of months ago and given that you are one of my favorite steemians, I know so little about you that its a bit embarrassing to admit . Nevertheless I am gonna give it a try for fun:

  • Not sure about your age but if I were to guess then 29. During Ep 26 of steem sisters show, @maryjaney jokingly mentioned it but she kept it vague.
  • I think (I could be confused) that maybe you mentioned that you had no tattoos.
  • I know that you love eating Sushi

There is a chance that I might have answered none of them correctly ................ that'd be a little embarrassing but hey its your birthday and in that spirit, I am willing to take the risk :-)

How old do you think I am?- 28
Where was I born? America
How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have? one
What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele? Pearly Shells
I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift?$50.00
Have I ever been arrested?no
Do I have any tattoos?none
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be?salad

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Happy birthday.
We are alive and here.

Thats awesome @coruscate ! Happy Birthday , and cheers to many more years to come my friend! I really hope you had a great Birthday party at your friends lake house tonight , it looks like a few people have all ready answered your questions, I just wanted to send best wishes and say wow you got some awesome gifts there , ENJOY! upped and resteemed 😀💕✌🎂🎁🎈🎉🎂🎁


Firstly happy birthday to @coruscate .
I'm not going to be a participant. Steem doesn't matter for me. The thing that matters is your happiness. Whatever your age is, i don't care. As age doesn't matter when you like someone .
It also doesn't matter what you eat, what is your age, what do you do, where you live. You have tatoo or not.
I just want you to be happy all the time.
May you live long.
My best wishes are with you.

Happy Birthday @coruscate, As you celebrate your birthday today which is the beginning of another journey in your life. I pray you will always remember it in good health. @oxygen02 cares

Happy birthday to you and to dtube at the same time, my gift for you is the video I've mad for dtube, the birthday of dtube was yesterday, but I've made it today, but since today is your birthday, I hope you will check it and smile, because it's a congradulation to all dtubers. ☺

How old do you think I am? 23
Where was I born? Indonesia
How many brothers do @maryjaney and I have? 3
What is the first song I learned to play on the ukulele? Home
I woke up this morning to a free credit from Mene for my birthday! How much do you think they gave me as a gift? $15
Have I ever been arrested? Yes
Do I have any tattoos? No
If I had to pick one dish to eat everyday - what would it be? Lasagna

27 years
I Make My Own Sunshine – Alyssa Bonagura.

Wishing you a very happy birthday @coruscate! May all your wishes come true!

I have little time following you, so I do not know the answers, but let's see how I'm lucky XD

1- 27 years
2- Bellingham, (I hope you are born where you live hahaha)
3- 1 brother
4-november rain
5- Enter the MENE page and I saw that they have very nice accessories but also quite expensive, so I hope that at least they gave you $ 50
6- Ummm pretty girls always have a rebellious time so I'll say yes 
7- Yes and I hope that one day you will let us see it
8- Wo wo everyone says sushi I guess they know more than me, but I think you'd like to eat french fries often jejeej

Hello and happy belated birthday , I'm sure the contest must be over , and boom since I stumbled across this post , meeting u for the first time 🙋 so all guesses.


5.$1000 guessing yes.
8.chocolate ... PS it's actually me who would love to eat choco everyday.

Happy belated birthday!

Happy birthday @coruscate. Wishing you a fulfilled life. Enjoy!

You should be in your late 20
You look too descent to have a tattoo, so I guess you don't have any
You have never been arrested
$100 gift

This is the best I can guess

Happy birthday to you. Many many happy returns of the day. May the almighty shower you with all the happiness. You're the cutest steamian and i watch every post of you. God bless you.

Happy belated birthday!! Hope you had a good one! :)
It's my first day here, so I just found you - but I really like your channel and content!

Looking sexy on ur birthday. U r absolute beauty. Keep smiling. Happy birthday!.👍👍

yes 1