Vacation Vlog // Choosing to Live a High Vibe Life

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hi Friends!

I'm soaking in the sun this weekend in Palm Springs, CA and had a lovely time filming this vlog down by the pool while sipping my morning coffee.

I figured that a relaxing vacation was the perfect backdrop for talking about this idea of living a high vibe life. Now, what do I mean by that? The term "vibe" sounds a little trendy... but what I'm really talking about is vibration and the law of attraction.

Like Energy Attracts Like

We tend to attract the kind of kind of energy that we are putting out into the world. Those who are vibrating a high level, tend to be more creatively inspired and attract success. Just like those who are vibrating at a lower level tend to attract more of those negative feelings and outcomes.

Here's an example. Think of someone who always makes you feel really good about yourself. Anytime they step into the room, people light up. This person is probably vibrating at a really high level and your energy is reacting to it, and getting inspired by it.

Now think of someone that is an "Energy Vampire" and seems to suck the energy out of every group or situation they encounter. These are the people that always find something to complain about, and often have a victim mentality.

Don't Be Reactive to Other's Energy - Set Intention for Yourself

In the examples mentioned above, the people around that person are reacting to their energy. It is a really natural reaction to mirror someone else - especially people like me who are very impressionable and empathetic. I pick up on people's energy immediately and I have to be really careful to let not an energy vampire bring me down.

One of the ways that I avoid letting this happen is to bring more meditation and mindfulness into my day. People often think of meditation as just something you do sitting down in the morning - but it can be so much more. Even though I would love to mediate every morning, I often don't make the time or get out of the habit.

This is where mindfulness throughout the day can play a big role. I try to stop once an hour to breath, set intention, and remind myself what I am grateful for.

Having a Purpose or Goal can Increase your Vibration

Just like high energy attracts more high energy and negative energy attracts more of the same ... stagnant energy can attract more stagnant energy! Those who are just going through the day with no clear direction or mission can sometimes feel lost or stuck. If they don't have any goal that they are working and reaching towards, their energy can start to feel stagnant, which only attracts more of that same vibe into their life.

An object in motion, stays in motion.

There is something so powerful about just starting towards a goal. Once you start giving positive energy to that goal, it tends to multiply.

Letting Go of Things You can't Control can Help Clear the Clutter

I have talked about this a bit in the past, but thought it was important to include here. If you are filling your mind with stress, you will have less energy go be mindful and intentional. Think about it too... stress will attract more stress! If you tend to be stressed easily, (putting my hand in the air), stop to evaluate whether you have any control over what you are stressing about.

Oftentimes our stress has to do with other's expectations... which we literally have zero control over. All you can do is put your best work out into the world and then let the dice fall where they will.

Surround Yourself with People who Inspire You

I think this is really key! If you are around a bunch of energy vampires... it will be much harder to pick yourself up and vibrate at the high level you desire. There is a lot of power in collective energy, and by surrounding yourself with people you personally find inspiring - you may be shocked at how that affects your own life.

For example, the group vibrancy at the Steem Creators Conference was off the charts. Every single person in that room had dreams, goals and ambitions. We were all excited to be there and learn from each other. There wasn't a single energy vampire in the room and you could tell. The amount of creative ideas and connection that came from that room was incredible and I really do think it has to do with the fact that there were so many people vibrating on a high level together!

Thanks for Watching/Reading!

I hope you guys enjoyed getting a little glimpse into my vacation! I definitely had fun just sitting by the pool this morning, sipping my coffee and reflecting on this topic.

I'd love to hear what you guys think! Is vibrating at a high level something you think about or set intention around? If you have any other ideas or tips for how people can bring these ideas into their life - please share them below!

Have a wonderful rest of your day!



Gear That I Used in this Vlog

To add an extra layer of value and transparancy to my vlog's - I have started listing the gear I use at the bottom. Today’s setup was a little more minimal because it was filmed while traveling. If you ever have questions about the gear I use or how I use it – please don’t hesitate to ask!

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Really enjoy the message and energy of your content! Keep up the good work!

Well done .. Thanks for the tips, be yourself be good
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

When you lern about these things for the first time, its hard to realize that some people you spend so much time with acctually hold you down. Philosopher Alan Watts impacted me the most in this matter and helped me to ground myself and feel truely free :D If you are into spiritally you should check out one of his lectures on youtube like "Finding magic in a suprise" @coruscate

Nice, enjoy your vacations! :-)

If you are hanging out with good people who are positive and have high energy, you instantly feel that. And you will be more positive. You will see everything in a positive way.

It's the mindset that makes the difference. Keep in touch with like-minded people. You will be more inspired to achieve your goals. Thank you @coruscate for sharing this!

My personality is that of vibrating on a high level I am a socially active person and a bit funny also, ilikes to put smiles on people's faces . But also very ambitions in setting goals and I will do everything possible to achieved my set goal @coruscate

Simple tips but sometimes we overlook the benefit of simplicity we look for complicated solutions to our problems and we just move further off center!

Taking time out just to relax and take a breathe in this fast passed modern world is important.

Yes, agreed, having goals keeps you on the path, keeps you from falling to the dark side of Star Wars force as Anakin Skywalker did, & like minds do attract to each other & it is always better to be with people you want to be like. The wrong company can get us down eventually. Thanks for your video. It does help.

Happy vacation my dear friend and thanks for your inspirational message. You’re the best😘😘

Surround Yourself with People who Inspire You

You’re inspiration unto many.

Come to San Francisco! Just a quick 7 hour drive! Lol vegas was probably closer

you seem like pretty good @coruscate

all are vibes.. me too...:)

I needed this reminder!! @thehoneys totally came to mind when you were talking about that person(s) that lights up the room. This video came just at the right time for me, such a great reminder to just keep putting out positive energy when faced with any obstacles! <3 Great stuff! Working hard even on vacay! ;)
xoxo Iris

There are a lot more energy vampires around our lives than those with positive energy. People always dwelling on the negative yet in every negative/misfortune there's something positive to be learnt. If we could just reflect a little on the negative events to uncover the positive side of it, we would always be beaming.

I love what you said. "just be yourself" :)

People often think of meditation as just something you do sitting down in the morning - but it can be so much more. 100% agree.
People who have never tried it will think that way. Meditation is the best way to calm yourself and know yourself. Thanks for the good post. Keep it up.