Smart and strong people never do these things

in life •  6 years ago 

Experts say that there are certain things that strong people don’t do. They can move mountains and be the strongest people in the world.


A thing that they never do, for example, is that they never feel sorry for themselves when life gets hard. They take responsibility in their actions and they understand that life isn’t always simple.

They aren’t afraid of changes, they are flexible and always ready to face positive changes or certain challenges that are inevitable in life.

They never waste their time on stuff they can’t control and they focus on what they can change. And most importantly, they aren’t trying to please everyone.

They’re not afraid to say “no” when they want to and they are ready to speak up when it’s necessary. They’re trying to act right, but they’re not disappointed when someone gets mad at them.

They won’t take absurd risks, but they’re not avoiding calculated risks. They don’t life in the past, wishing that it was different. They live in the future but they’re also making plans for the future.

People that are mentally strong take responsibility for their behavior and they learn from their mistakes, so they don’t repeat them over and over again.

A strong person won’t give up when he/she fails, because strong people use their lost “matches” in their benefit and they’re always up to start again.

Lastly, mentally strong people can appreciate the success of others without envying them, because they understand that success is only obtained with hard work. They’re willing to put in as much effort as it takes to have their own chance at success.

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they are mostly can survive independently, since they were childhood they already trained how the fundamentals of survival works, they learned by doing something on problems makes difference than doing nothing.