#The scary thing they may occur while u are sleepsteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  8 years ago 

I few years ago i had the worst experience in my life also scary and panic while i was sleeping..
One night it was like over 2:00 am i suddenly felt something and i was opened my eyes and then
Started panic and the fear i was having a not sure how is called in English but a paralysis i could
Not move or call no one ,simple i start panic i screamed on top of my voice cos i was sure i was awake
and i was but this "fenomenon" did not let my voice or body to react in normal function ...
My brother was in same room so he fortunately heard me trying to move and scream so he just tap me and
This fenomenon works like that that if someone touch u you will be free as i read more on google
after ,it happened few times more i was really scared to sleep but with time i start control it and did not freak out
and just try it to move a little so i can be free , after a while it stopped to happen for my luck..
But i read it cos i was curious and wanted to know more about it and it was very dangerous and could end up
with death if it goes longer then few seconds .

So asked many religious people and they all concluded that sleeping in stomach is very bad and is the main
reason to provoke this kind of paralysis ..
I m sorry that i don t know scientific expression for this in English but i know u what is the point..

Thank you and Be safe @crastty


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I have read once that this happens in a specific mental state. Like, you are not totally asleep, but you are also not totally awake.

Some 10 years ago I had a scary experience: While visiting family in Latin America, one night I was asleep, and at about 4:00 A.M. or so there was an earthquake. Took me a couple of seconds to realize what was happening. Got off the bed fast seeking a safer place. But then the earthquake stopped. Nothing bad happened, nobody got hurt, but it was scary.

yeah man i get u

I had this happen to me a lot when I was a little kid some really spooky hallucinations came along with it too. One time I woke up with my eyes transfixed on a dark figure just looming over me. I just looked at it and it looked at me for a good 20 mins until i fell back asleep. scariest thing to ever happen to me.

yeah really odd scary mine i was aware i m awake but just could not move