SYRIA CRISIS: SAVE THE CHILDREN. (Feauting @ann76 as Author)

in life •  9 years ago 

Syria’s civil war can best be described as the worst crisis to humanity of our time. Half the country’s pre-war populations of more than 11 million people have been killed or rendered homeless making them find shelter in refugee camps scattered around the country.

The United Nations Children's Emergency Fund is calling attention to the effect that the five years of conflict has had on Syria’s young people, saying the crisis is the most ‘damaging conflict for children in the region's recent history’. According to Dr. Peter Salama, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa; “Nearly 7 million children live in poverty, making their childhood one of loss and deprivation. He stated further; “As the war continues, children are fighting an adult war, they are continuing to drop out of school and many are forced into labour, while girls are marrying early”.

According to reports released by UNICEF, 5.5 million Syrian children now need assistance because of the war, the number has doubled in the past year. Reports emanating from within Syria states that about One million children are living under brutal siege and it is hard to reach areas in Syria. The report says of January, violence has killed more than 10,000 children in Syria, who often are not accidental victims of war but rather deliberately targeted. Witnesses say children and infants have been killed by Snipers or become victims of summary executions or torture.

Effects of the war on Syrian Children :

• Downfall of Education growth: UNICEF says half of Syrian’s school age population cannot go to classes on a regular basis and that about one in five schools cannot be used because several school buildings have been destroyed by the incessant bombings. Schools have been closed for a long period and this has affected the educational growth and reduced the literacy level of the children.

• Lack of Adequate Treatment: In a report released an estimated 60 percent of Syria’s hospitals have been damaged or destroyed. This resulted in the increase of Pneumonia and Diarrhea cases as well as vulnerability to diseases like measles. The United Nation now trying to emancipate Syria through vaccination from Polio after its outbreak in 1999.

• Psychological Damage: Displaced children in refugee camps or in isolation from host communities commonly face Boredom, Social Exclusion and lack of stimulating activities or opportunities to play. This affects the children’s psychology and how they relate to the outside world in general. Dr. Abdullahi Nassir, a Medical Expert states:
‘Neglect and under stimulation of Children affected by conflict
can lead to severe impairments in the child’s development
creating a lasting legacy of War’.

These children are suffering profound emotional and psychological distress from the war. Here we are talking about the hidden injuries, the hidden wounds that have been inflicted on the children because of what they have experienced; the behavioral changes, the nightmares that they carry around with them making them unable to function as normal children

• Child Labour: UNICEF says thousands of Syrian refugee children have to work to support their destitute families and many girls are forced into early marriage.

• The increase in Child Deaths: The report says of January, violence has killed more than 10,000 children in Syria, who often are not accidental victims of war but rather deliberately targeted. Witnesses say children and infants have been killed by Snipers or become victims of summary executions or torture.

Don't forget to follow @ann76!!

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This is an extract from an article i wrote a few days ago that explains why this happening at the moment. Not how the media tells the story you might notice !
In 2009 Qatar put forth a proposal to run a natural gas pipeline through Syria and Turkey to Europe , Assad how ever rejected this and in 2011 he forged a pact with Iran and Iraq to run a pipeline eastward cutting Qatar and Saudi Arabia out of the loop completely. not surprisingly Qatar , Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been the most aggressive regional players in the push to topple the Syrian government but why would this pipeline dispute put Syria in Washington's cross hairs ?

Theres three reasons that spring to mind . One , this pipeline arrangement would significantly strengthen Iran"s position allowing the to export to European markets without having to pass through any of Washington"s allies, this obviously reduces the U.S governments leverage . Two , Syria is Iran's closest ally and its collapse would weaken Iran. Three , Syria and Iran have a mutual defence agreement , and the U.S intervention in Syria could open the door to open conflict with Iran.

Thanks to greedy US and Europe now we have this . For last 15 years they removing states from map , starting with Iraq,Afganistan,Tunisia , Libya , Egypt , Syria ,Yemen , wtf is next . They are stealing other countrys property , it's a legal theft . You just need to step up and put a news in media that someone has chemical weapon and BAM , invade . Innocent people losing homes lives just because of what , some idiot idea ???

Great post @crazymumzysa and @ann76 really highlighting one of the true tragedies of this conflict, those who are often forgotten about. But how do we fix this? How do we influence these children's lives for the better from where we are?

I'll tell you how we fix this. The American Government / the lobbyists / and the American military industrial complex. Vote a government in that abides by the constitution - NO FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS - ..... Now the Americans are building up militarily in Europe and the boogeyman is the Russian citizen and then it's going to be the Russian child who's caught in the middle. Things won't be fixed until Governments - Around the World - Are held accountable, ....... EASIER SAID THAN DONE, OF COURSE. If only every single person in the world stood up and said to the leaders of every single nation in the world......... NO! Ken Okeefe might be on to something, I hope. A contract, worldwide .... stating that your taxes are not going to be going to anything military and so on and so on and so on....

Its all driven by greed for the greenback...the US spend on military weapons in 2015 was $596 Billion..according to
Someone is getting mighty rich off these poor peoples suffering.

With everyone telling 6 people to stop this behavior until everyone has heard until everyone listens. Maybe someday ...

I guess if we all had the answers to the conflicts in the middle east then this issue wouldn't exist now. I like your idea, but unfortunately I cannot see this saving many lives. They need medical support, money, food and somewhere to live and just be safe.

... yeah ...

The govt needs to play a big role.... But still there are several NGOs who take initiative to help these children, you can be a part of them.

Great post and message of awareness!

Its heartbreaking to see such things happen.. Such messages of awarness should be spread so that the government opens their eye and take the neceaary action.

... yeah ... it is up to the people, the largest branch of any and all governments.

Who is guilty of to this war? Simple people want simply to work and to live do not understand. I always read your posts with pleasure, I will follow you I hope, mutually

So sad and hard to get real information on what is happening. Good post. Thank you!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Its sad i know.... But the bottom line is no child should suffer in the name of religion.

What could be the possible reason to this madness, why is it that their always on a war?

Terrorism has no reason nor religion.

Of course upvoted!

Great post and information!

great post. sad about syria. i was crying when i saw a video on how a kid save in the destroyed building..