How I Escaped the Cult of Jehovah's Witnesses

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

YES, I was raised in a cult. From age 4 to age 30, I was a card-carrying member of the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses.


Turns out being raised in a cult is not as unusual as it sounds.... I hear countless stories of cult-rearing, the collateral aftermath, and most importantly, how to heal and ultimately enJOY a life of


FREEDOM is what I have given my life to. FREEDOM... the highest aspiration of the human soul. FREEDOM... the one thing we all seek in some form or fashion and MUST HAVE to be fully realized human beings.


I tell the story here on my YouTube channel:

(shout out to my LuvTubers!!!) You'll hear all the sordid details (maybe even more details than you wanted to know lol)

What's my intention in sharing the story?

To be a voice for FREEDOM

To be a voice of INSPIRATION

To share my story in such the compelling way that it may stoke the embers of your own soul and you just may get up and be even more bad-ass than you already are.

There you have it. En-JOY the vid and do share if you know ANYONE who's escaping ANY system that does not wholly align with FREEDOM.

Crypto Diva

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You are a stranger to me but I'm still proud of you, WELL DONE!!

(-; thank you so much! No such thing as strangers.

word. peace

Rev. Love, this series was definitely on point. Deliverance from cults, spiritual vampirism and pulpit pimps is always a much needed discussed topic.
Thank you for what you do!

I saw the video over on YT and again, I'm just glad I didn't get as far as initiation there. But I do know the bible now! :-)

I watched your YouTube video about it. That was eye-opening!

Thank you for watching!

Good for you. May you be prosperous in whatever it is that you do, no matter who may try to hold you down.

Thank you! Peace & prosperity to you as well.