Another garden update! 7/23/2017 "welcome to the jungle"

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

I thought i'd give you guys a quick visual garden update!
A view of the marigold flower. The picture doesn't do the red the justice it deserves

The sunflowers in back are now forming heads and about a good half foot taller than me. The corn is above waist high and the friggen squash pants are huge!IMG_3028.JPG
I even have two summer squashes already! Any body have any good summer squash recipes at all!? I'm not positive I've even ever eaten squash!
The beans are now sprouting and catching up with the corn
The cherrie tomatoes are now doing pretty good and the Marigolds are as well! (this is in the asparagus/ strawberry bed)

another view of the asparagus strawberry bed

Heres one of the new strawberry strains I added. The ones I started with dont produce a lot of berry's (more vegetation). So I introduced this one and its already producing berry's and little tiny flowers. Hopefully ill let this one become the dominant strawberry strain

The brocolli Leafs are HUGE and the cucumber vines are climbing over everything. Its crazy how fast the cucumbers grew. I probably should have thinned out the heard but its a jungle now.

Here's the little cucumber flowers already forming on the vines!

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Nice to see you growing a veggie garden. Nice photos and commentary from a green thumb !

Thanks bud!