Good morning steemenhimers,
and happy saturday!
Today I've uploaded a video of the new irrigation system that was installed on my 3 raised garden beds!
You can see the video of it in action here!
Would you like me to show you exactly how we made this irrigation system for my raised beds!?
If so leave a comment below to help inspire a future post about this!
As you can see in the video I have 3 beds hooked up to this. The only flaw in the design is that the first bed needs to be watered solo due to the fact that its much higher than the others. This, however is no problem since we have shut of valves to each bed!
This system was designed by my father as a birthday present to me!
Best birthday present I've gotten in a long time,...
and I even got to spend time with him on fathers day assembling it.
The thumbnail for this video is the following image
This img shows my home made First Flush diverting system.
heres a bit about how it functions.
the first flush diverter allows the first bit of rain (usually with all the leafs and debris) to drop into the PVC debris chamber. Once the water and debris fills the first portion (up to the elbow) a water bottle (filled with air) will raise up blocking the debris from flowing back. The clean water then will be directed into the rain barrel. There is a small hole in the bottom of the Debris collecting tube which allows the water to drain after a rain fall. THIS I LEARNED IS VERY IMPORTANT, otherwise your whole system will become a debris filled water logged shitshow.
Let me know what you guys think below
or if I muffed anything up!
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