Experiencing the first creeping signs of Leontiasis

in life •  10 months ago 

Leontiasis lead to my difficulty in being understood because my mouth feels like there are two big balls inside it and caused an impediment on my speech. Thankfully with the mercy of God on my soul, I happen to afford going to the right Doctor for my bone condition which is why I lead in using a medicine that actually fools my body (parathyroid glands) that there is no need to pump my system with its hormones which makes my bones shed Calcium in my blood which causes what I look like today which is called "Leontiasis" or Lionhead syndrome.



Losing my ability to speak and to be understood was one of my frustrations but it got reversed to make me wonder if I can also regain my ability to whistle.

Looking back many years ago, it probably started even before the time of my first dialysis session for the first time because I am already experiencing itchy skin and aching joints which are caused by too much phosphorus in my body. Then after around four years being a dialysis patient, my teeth began to part, my face turned to be ugly but still I am naïve on what is happening to my body. I thought that it was just normal to get ugly while growing up or should I say "growing older". Then many people seems to be looking at my appearance as you could say "Abnormal". I just shrugged it off because I really can't do anything about it anyway in those years, I am penniless and I am at the mercy of my brother's love and support where if he had not been there in the first place, I would have been long gone already and never had done these things that I was doing from around 2012 and earlier.

I was really powerless to do anything much or react or anything, I just buried my head unto the sand and "hope" that maybe something will change but it never did. My wait for good thing never arrived until it is too late because as years go by my overall health with regards to my bones just went spiraling down until I happen to get more shy from people and further exacerbating my fear from being with people and the worse had yet to come. Until now I am not really so social in being with people but the use of the face mask had saved me, so people now are not really rubber-necking to me anymore especially now that the bump on my left arm is now gone.



Since my bone degeneration is slow at first, I first ignored it until one day I was shocked to see my self in the mirror, nobody pointed it out to me even my family until the "maltransformation" involved pain all over.


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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.