Some of my past struggles and winnings as a long-term dialysis patient

in life •  9 months ago 

I was not expecting to not getting any better but I improved and held thanks be to God.


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It has been a score years and two plus some days already and here I am, still in the same old, same old but now having a dialysis three times a week instead of two because of the recent upgrade of services from my government health insurance which somewhat makes me more liberal on eating foods but still struggling on consuming liquids. But I wonder if my nurses would let me exceed my limits of taking out more than two and a half liters of fluids from my system. Recently, they would react if I would say that I wanted 2.9 to 3 liters water (plus half liter for flushing and return) to be taken out from my body and haggle to cut the amount of fluid that I would request to be taken out. They would try to haggle me to lower the amount.

But now I am more pleased that they are just following what I am telling them with regards to that issue and so, no more fuss and it would result in a better feeling for my well-being because I will go home adequately dialyzed and removed with extra fluids. Aside from that I am getting more frequent dialysis now simply because I needed it now more than ever and because of the improvement of my health insurance allocation, I can be more free about my fluid consumption and diet in a way. There aren't anymore changes in my routine now except from being older and struggles about my eating habits although my expenses also have grown bigger although I can still afford it.



I can never indulge in consuming liquids because of my already limited capacity in putting fluids in my body.

During the first years of my being a dialysis patient, the struggles are areal. Imagine being under-dialyzed for ages for the span of two decades I can say that I am a champion about endurance and survival. I thank God that I was able to improve my health out from a deep dive of a downward spiral of major complications. My regret which I have not much control of is my inability of escape from it all due to my poverty right before. Because of it I am unable to seek a much better healthcare because I was in the survival mode right from the start. poverty was the past problem that I happen to surpass and without my ability to pay and God's mercy I could have been long gone from this world already.

What made me survive at first was the constant support of my brother whom we share the same religious faith which made him to give his best in order to make me survive although I know that soon, my brother will just have to let me go and go into his separate ways of life and form his own family. I really have thought about that because if I would not find any thing to support myself than it will mean my doom to a lingering way of dying. I did prayed to God for not letting to happen that I will suffer from being dried-up in the process for lack of support until one thing had lead to a greater good for my life with regards to supporting myself financially plus some added bonus of ranging from getting a discounted dialysis and to a free dialysis, and then availing the benefits of health insurance which our family didn't have or awareness that we should get it right from the start. Now I am basically earing from an almost passive income and investments in crypto which is my niche in earning money because it is a thing that i can only do now.



Things had been only enough for me to survive at first but now I am thriving because of my winnings as a result from the constant big battles which to fight for the rest of my life.


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