My parents are the ones that helps me physically, mainly for driving me to and from the dialysis center with my father and my mother in the other hand wheels me to and from the bathroom, prepares my food and bring it to my room, cleans my clothes, my room, and also accomplishes my documents when I needed to pay for my insurance.
My parents are also the ones that buys my medicines of need be in my behalf from the drugstore.
So take my parents off the picture and you will see how difficult will it be for me. My siblings or at least one of them will take me in but of course I do not want to be a drag considering that they have to also wash my clothes and all that carrying and wheeling me around with my wheelchair to someplace.
Even with only the absence of my mother I might find it hard to cope since my father will just fall short of fulfilling me needs. He sometimes does not want to do things even if it is important, getting angry for no reason and for some excuse.
That is why I am a bit stingy about money because it will be my tool to help myself so that I will not find myself like a trash in the roadside waited to be treaded upon by people passing by.
The reason that I am still surviving was my money and without it I could have been already died a long time ago with a lingering just like the ones that I met all because they have no more money to sustain their dialysis.
So I am just one of those fortunate dialysis patients that was able to self-support and it is truly like a miracle in my life thanks to the friends that helped me help myself because they actually saved a life, you are my heroes, thanks be to God because at least that worry of mine is no more and I have a level of peace of mind now that I am enjoying, well that is.. for now.
Well whatever will be will be but I am always trying to prepare my inner self to cope with the future. I had been through lots of heartaches, physical burden, uncertainties, crying, fear, worries, anxiety ( I also suffer from anxiety) but life is like that for peculiar situations that I happen to experience. So I just have to remain strong and keep my faith to God that he will not make me suffer more. Life for me has to go on because it is the way it is and it is the reality that we have to accept.
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