I Beat 10 Hours Of Labor Right In The Face

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Okay, fine. You got me. Let me rephrase, I SURVIVE 10 HOURS OF LABOR !

To soon to be mothers, every labor varies. Different woman go through the stages differently. You may take mine as a guide but I won't assure you that it will be entirely same.

Some people had a smooth and fast labor, some people may have experienced difficulties. Whatever it is, don't take it to your heart when people start to comment. It can be quite annoying some times. First thing first, I am truly if this sound very disrespectful but most of the people who sort of offended me were actually the 'ELDERLY'.

Let me give you an example. I went through 10 hours of labor and 10 hours is counted 'LONG'. The top 3 hurtful comments that I've received are:-

  1. Your baby is not clever to push himself out.
  2. Your baby is very stubborn.
  3. You do not know how to give birth. Pushing is so easy, how can you not know ?

Honestly, I was very mad when I heard stuffs like this. But then, I chose to not hold against their words because I have a theory where 'SOME' old people have no idea what they're talking about. Plus I just gave birth, post-natal syndrome hit me real hard when I heard all these unpleasant comments.

Enough with the negative stuff. Childbirth supposed to be something happy. Right ? It's all about welcoming your bundle of joy. Let's begin !

I have 2 expected due dates because I went to 2 different doctors before I settle down with my gynae. The first doctor predicted it to be in the second week of August and the other doctor predicted it to be on the last week of August. My gynae on the other hand went ahead with the second doctor's prediction.


The first doctor wins the jackpot !


On the 9th of August, I've downloaded Pokemon-Go. It was a big hype back then. I dragged my friend to accompany me to hunt for Pokemons (she was a Pokemon-Go addict herself) and we were in the mall for about 7 hours or so. I've notified my friend, if my water bag were to break, quickly dragged me to the hospital next door.

To my Malaysian readers, I was at Sunway Pyramid and yes, the nearest hospital was Sunway Medical Centre. I could have gave birth in a hospital with Starbuck !

Onn the 10th of August, I went Pokemon hunting at close to 12am because I couldn't sleep. Came back at 12.30am which is already the 11th of August.

The reason why I included both 9th and 10th of August is because walking/exercising a lot affects the water bag. Since I'm already at 38 weeks (according to the second doctor), I may deliver anytime.

Back to my story. Like I've said in my first post, pregnant women tends to tinkle a lot. I am not lying when I've mentioned that I need to go to the loo every 20 minutes. This time, it's slightly different. As I lay on my bed, water begin to flow out. I assumed I did not clear my bladder properly so I quickly head to the toilet for the second time. I went back to bed again and water started to flow out once more. I head to the toilet and realize, I can't hold my bladder. As I look into the toilet bowl, the water is clear ! (Pregnant women urine tend to be yellow, which is why we have to go through urine test on every single visit that we have with the gynae).

I quickly alert my parents in-law and they told me to monitor myself to see if it's a false alarm. My husband went out during this incident, so yea. He wasn't there to witness me partially wetting our bed. * laughs *

Hub arrived home 30 minutes later and I was already snoozing away. My parents in-law came in and woke me up at 3am to go to the hospital. I was having a slight cramp around my uterus area. On a scale to 10, I would rate that pain maybe a 1 ?

I arrived the hospital at 3.30am, changed into a sassy looking gown where my butt can be exposed anytime. Here's a very very very and I mean VERY weird scenario. There's this midwife who looks like she's in her mid 50s (I assume she has been working for quite a long time) kept showing the other midwives my underwear.

'Tengok ! Dia punya panty sudah basah.'

Translation: Look ! Her panty is wet !

The other midwives show no expression at all. It's like... What's new ? We see this every day.

The midwife shoved a tube up my butthole and squeeze some sort of liquid in. In less than 5 minutes, I quickly rush to the toilet to get my business running so that I will not poop by accident as I'm pushing my baby out. After I'm done using the toilet, I continue laying on my bed and this other midwife came in and broke my water bag.


She forcefully shoved her finger in me to tear my water bag ! There's this tool which looks like a plastic hook, that is used to break the water bag and God knows why she use her fingers instead.

And the waiting game begin

At 6am I was dilated at 4cm. Then it begin to slow down. At 10am I was only dilated by another 2cm. * sigh * Thought it could have ended earlier. At 12pm, I felt super uncomfortable. Not because of the pain, the pain is actually quite similar to my regular menstrual cramp but just a tad bit more painful. The amount of pressure going on down there it's what causes the whole period to be very very VERY uncomfortable.

I could feel my boy is pushing himself down, and it was beyond my control. The midwives were checking on me every 15 minutes and kept asking me not to PUSH. I was quite pissed to be honest. I was induced at 4am and it's 12pm, my gynae hadn't arrived and the midwives asked me not to push. EXCUSE ME ! Shouldn't my gynae rushed his way to the hospital ? I can't possibly wait for him all day.

My gynae finally came at 2.15pm and guess what ? He scolded all the midwives for not notifying him. I was like, 'YOU DID NOT EVEN BOTHER CALLING MY GYNAE AND YOU'RE ASKING ME NOT TO PUSH ?!'. I could have deliver at 12pm !

Anyway, my gynae quickly cut my 'vajayjay' because I wasn't dilated fully and he could see my baby's head. With only 3 pushes and ZERO yelling, my boy came out at about 2.30pm.

My boy was born at a healthy weight of 2.9kg and hearing his cry is the most blissful thing ever.


Selfie while waiting in the labor room with my Hub sleeping right behind


First picture :)


Holding him for the first time. As you cans ee, I look very unhappy. Trust me when I tell you, my face felt like as if I just went for botox after going through with the intense labor cramp and pushing.


First family portrait :D


Mommy making milo for me. You can totally tell I am super exhausted from this picture. * laugh * Ahhhh... Such memories.


Mason's first day at home :)


About 3 days old. That's a Pikachu macaron.


2 weeks old. Awww... How time flies !


My boy is now 1 year and 2 months old :) Look at those cheeks !


He's pretty tall for his age. The last time he was measured which was about 2 months ago, he was 79cm.

Need to add up a little something that I've missed out. I went though labor without epidural, which is something Im very proud off :D It's definitely not easy but the pain was worth it !


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Awww... Thank you :)

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Your baby is so beautiful. So worth it.

Thank you :) he's very cheeky and attention seeking now 😂

B4 long he will be taller than u

Good la.. I'm not that tall also xD


Thanks bruh :D

Sure sistah

pinch cheeks

Geram !

Courageous mom and lovely handsome boy =)

Find one day we bring out kids out 😂

Ya we Steemian parents can meet up and let the kids play together :)

😂 let's start with both of us

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks ^^


:D hehe... thanks !


awww... this post is ... so special

chop onions

Well done! I am appalled by the 'kind words' of those midwives, they really need a retraining for good bedside manners

Thank you :) I think it's too late for me to file a complain since it happened more than a year ago. Let's just hope they dont repeat the same thing to other mom-to-be 😂

I can't imagine going through this process. Way to go!

I cant imagine I actually went through this 😂 Then again, I have no idea how did my grandma gave birth to 7 kids.

I read every word... love how u humorized the tense situation... great story... grats!

😂 thanks! Gotta make child birth sound easy or else population decrease

But i think u did a good writeup.

Hehehehehe.. Thanks :D Deii! Faster come out with more colorful sketches

  ·  7 years ago 

I still remember the first moment when I hear Halley cried in the OT... and the very funny first question I asked the nurse was "Is her eyes big?" LOL... Why I asked because during my pregnancy, everyday I am with my favorite Mashimaro... I was admitted 2 weeks in the hospital because Halley didn't want to grow in me... She was very small... just 2kg at birth... And my Mashimaro was there with me in the hospital...

Oh dear, does she have to stay in a incubator? You should have hear what my husband asked me. When Mason came out of me, I thought I will heard words like, 'OMG... You did it!' or he's very cute bla bla bla. My hub rushed to me and say, 'His balls are huge' -_-

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahahahahahhah..... You must be like "WHAT?? That's your first words to your son???"
Luckily nope. She was with me all the time. We were at government hospital, so only BF allowed. Because of no experience, I only BF her for 6 months only...

😂😂😂 As long the baby's healthy, it's all that matters

  ·  7 years ago 

Yup. True. My three girls are super noisy together.... LOL.. Sometimes I think if they go back into my tummy, won't that be more quiet, I don't have to deal with them.... LOL

HAHAHAHAHAAHHA ! Kids will always be kids 😂 From playing to arguing especially when it comes to demanding for things. I remember I used to compare me and my elder sister, she has lots of cool new stuff whereas I have to takeover hers. Everytime when I sound my parents, they will say 'Girl, you good girl ma. Jie jie naughty thats why. Dont follow her footsteps.' 😂😂😂 Good old days. Therefore I should only stick to one child.

  ·  7 years ago 

But one child is lonely...

You're not the first person who said so. LOL. 40% say he'll be lonely. The other 60% ask me to go for a baby girl 😆 I knew I wanted a girl but I cannot be bothered to go through childbirth and confinement again. It's just simply stressful although confinement is the period where mothers supposed to re-nourish their body and rest.

Congratulations @crystalmaiden!
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