Junrey Balawing – 23.6 inches

in life •  8 years ago 


Born in 1993, Filipino teenager Junrey Balawing is the world’s second shortest man. He was declared the shortest man in the world on his eighteenth birthday in 2011, but he lost the title to Chandra Bahadur Dangi a year later.
Reportedly, Balawing has not grown since a few months after his birth. He is 23.6 inches tall and weighs only 11 pounds. He also has trouble walking due to his weak knees and needs to hold onto something in order to stand up straight. Balawing’s condition has never been diagnosed, but he is suspected to have an endocrine- or birth-related defect.
Whatever Balawing’s condition might be, it means he needs constant attention from his parents. Despite his mobility problems, however, he is still able to help his family by performing domestic tasks like feeding their chickens.

source by http://www.masters-in-health-administration.com/10-shortest-people-in-the-world/

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