365 Days That Count - Day 266 - A British Airways DISASTER!! Never again, the WORST airline in the world! ๐Ÿ˜ก

in life โ€ขย  7 years agoย 

I woke up still on a high from my fabulous date, but I was obviously just still a little tipsy as an hour later I felt horrendous. The thought of packing, let alone flying, with that kind of hangover made the prospect of the whole thing utterly dreadful.

Luckily mum took pity on me and helped shove me in the right direction, get in the shower, check the drawers, remember your chargers etc. Finally, somehow, I had everything in my bag and could indulge my hangover for the few hours we had before Peter fetched us to go to the airport. We walked to Waitrose, which seemed like a really good idea at the time - you know, stretch your legs before the plane and all that jazz - but I regretted the decision less than half way there and begged mum to get an Uber back, luckily she wasn't that keen on walking with shopping so obliged my pathetic plea.

We got back to the flat and with the help of a large cheese and pickle sandwich I began to feel a little more human. By the time Peter arrived I was almost back to normal but the holiday blues were setting in. ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ’”

bye bye london.jpeg

For the first time, literally ever, we arrived at the airport early and having gone through security found a nice little restaurant where we ordered our last bottle of Prosecco and a vegetarian platter, we should've known then it was too good to be true!

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We toasted London one more time and made our way to the gate to board. On the plane we quickly realised we had a spare seat next to us and giggled at how fabulously well the whole thing was going.

That was the last time we giggled for a while....

For the next 4 and a half hours we sat on the plane, on the tarmac, being given nothing but a glass of water, while the captain informed us of a technical problem and assured us we'd be on our way soon every half an hour. At one point I fell asleep and woke up sure we were in the air only to look out the window and see the lights of Heathrow glaring at us. Eventually, at about 1:45am they said the problem could not be fixed and cancelled the flight. We were off loaded like cattle and forced to stand in a queue to get back through immigration - there was only a skeleton crew on duty at this hour - before standing in another, even longer queue to get the hotel vouchers they were handing out one by one. Eventually we got to the front to find out where we were going only to be told we were being sent to an inn in Watford, I'm mean really - Watford?!

45 minutes later we arrived at what at least turned out to be a clean and friendly establishment and were shown to our room. It was now about 4am.

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By this stage we were both deliriously tired and hardly spoke a word while showering and getting into bed in full zombie mode.

The one full sentence mum managed before we both passed out was, "I am NEVER flying BA again" to which I agreed with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

And so ended one of the most exhausting and infuriating days I've ever had to endure, hangover and all!


Daisy xx

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ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Nice writing ๐Ÿ˜€ @daisyd

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Thank you so much for reading @rabo have a lovely day โœจ