Building your brand starts with a self reflection and a strong desire to emerge. It requires you carrying out a SWOT analysis on yourself. That is, you need to analyze your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats which could be positive or negative but the negative ones can be improved upon and eventually transformed into positive ones. This analysis will help you identify your assets and the areas you need to improve on.
Your brand is an asset you must consciously and passionately build and manage because it will become your express image.
You need to first identify what you want to stand for. That is, you need to have one before you can even think of build it. You can only build what you have. So answer this question, " What do I want to stand for ? "
Prayer: Ask God to help you. If with your strength you can go a mile, with God you will go a 1000 miles. Pray God for strength, grace and help. He is always not just able but also very much willing to help us when we call on Him.
Have positive life influencing people as mentors. Check out people who had similar brand, learn from them directly or indirectly through their tapes, books, tweets etc. Also associate with positive people. "Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals." (1Corinthians15:33 NASB)
Acquire more knowledge in the area of the brand you are building. This can be done through regular studies, researching, seminars etc.
Know this ; "If you don't take control of your brand and build it, you will be forever stuck with how the world judges you- Howard Derex
Note: A person without a brand will forever be bloody. Meaning that you can either be brandy or bloody. Bloody because no asset that attracts (good) people, (good) business, (good) wealth, happiness etc and so you will want to get them to the hurt of others.
Refuse to be another bloody fellow in your society, rather be brandy. What brand do you want to stand for ? What do you want to come to the mind of people whenever your name is being mentioned or whenever you appear at a place. Begin now, no matter how small, to speak it, act it and live it. And you shall surely stand out and make a great difference in the human history.
God Bless You !