U.S. Military veterans without U.S. Citizenship are being deported

in life •  7 years ago 

Do you think it is fair for people who risked their lives for America in the military to be deported after committing a crime? It is true that it is wrong to commit a felony but then if a person is willing to fight and even die for the US then why shouldn't they be a true US Citizen?

An argument can be made in either direction. What say you?

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Who is deporting him? US Government? If so, what is US Government?

Probably the wisest words I've heard.

This video is soo touching....i think its wrong to deport them and deny them of veteran's rights & privileges... Hope they look into this injustice... Thanks for sharing this video...

As a veteran I can empathize, but better questions come to mind:

Why are non-citizens allowed to serve in the military?

If our military is streched so thin that we're having to allow non-citizens to serve, why dont we reduce our military exposure to fit our mapower structure?

Military service does not give one special dispensation to violate the law.

And yet the Law will turn a blind eye so long as you can Kill or Be Killed in the name of the Dollar and Oil.

Funny how the Trumps and Bushs of the World Don't EVER Go SERVE THEIR FLOCKEN COUNTRY..... but they will surely send you, your kid and his illegal buddy to fight for THEIR country. And when they get back with missing limbs and Chemical caused illnesses from the shit they bomb with ..... they get LOW QUALITY health care or DEPORTED. Nice.... gotta love war if you own WAR STOCKs or OIL STOCKS.

If they were non citizens before they signed up, they are citizens after they signed up through a simple contract of adhesion, especially when you swear an oath to a corporate charter and not the actual Constitution for the united States.

About the standing armies though, expect to understand what hypocrisy is and how fraud invalidates agreements and everything it touches.

It's a real headache. I think you're right. If you risk your life for a country, the least thing is to be a citizen.

I would look up the term citizen in law, and the word person.

No it's not fair , I have seen so many families being torn apart , so many hardworking Americans separated from their children and families . Now we get to a point where people who served our Country , risked their life , are being deported .. sad..

Whatever happen to everyone being equal , what happen to our rights on this land ? It just doesn't seem fair to live anymore . The government has and always will control our life

I think anyone who serves in the military and is honorably discharged should be granted citizenship, immediately. These people have already done more to earn it than most who are born here.

They are U.S. Citizen if they serve in the military. U.S. Citizen is a term of servitude, we are State Nationals, part of the Continental unincorporated united States, our "citizenship" or more precisely is that of a Texan, a Floridian, we are State Nationals, sovereign, self-determined, and that is our Political Status, not our citizenship, and anything that has to do with the Corporation that calls themselves deceitfully United States Inc. is their business, completely.


I think the word cabal better describes their activities more than corporation, or maybe criminal enterprise.

You find that odd? No citizenship, no stay. It's the law. You do not have to be a U.S. citizen to join the U.S. military which makes no sense but in contrast serving in the U.S. armed forces does not constitute an avenue toward citizenship.
Serving in the U.S. armed forces is a "contractual" agreement. Nothing more, nothing else. If one wants citizenship then he needs to apply for it.

He had to be a U.S. Citizen while in, but he might have not known it and if he doesn't know it won't help him. If he claims that he was a U.S. Citizen he will have a hard time meeting the burden of proof, and he can't say it's a contract by adhesion, they will deny that, his best hope is to challenge their presumption of jurisdiction over him, does that law even apply to him, because from what I know is that if he is not a U.S. Citizen he isn't under their jurisdiction...

To join the military in the USofA, you must be a citizen, and or hold a green card. If you are/were in the military and committed a crime you may go to jail if you are a US citizen, military status has nothing to do with whether you go to jail or not. If you have been issued a green card, and you commit a crime, your military status has nothing to do with whether you are allowed to stay in the country or not, the promises you made to obtain that green card is what determines it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You can't hold a green card and be a U.S. Citizen, but those titles means and are the exact same thing, they are titles of servitude.

Military stats has nothing to do with whether you go to jail or not?

Is that why they want to know when you go to jail? If you ever served?

In other words, how many cops go to jail, and does having law enforcement status mean you very much skip jail for any number of crimes, even murder.

Crime is often excused based on military and law enforcement status, saying it has nothing to do with whether you go to jail or not is not correct. A crime needs a victim, an accuser, and without the defendant being able to face the accuser there is no crime for people, but the crime of personage and barratry is all that American People know of justice. The ones committing these crimes can make as many laws, stipulations and mandates as they wish, but they don't apply to free people, who don't contract with the state, who aren't U.S. Citizens, who are Sovereigns and not servants to any such foreign interest as the federal system and their maritime Admiralty courts.

You do not need to be a US Citizen to join the US Military. If you have a GREEN CARD you can join the military. Look up what a green card is. It is a path to citizenship. Military/police status has nothing to do with if you go to jail if you are convicted of a crime, unless the Judge is biased. If an ex military man, or an ex police officer, or just some joe blow down the street murder someone, and are convicted of the crime, then they are ALL going to jail, unless like I said above the Judge is biased.

Did I seem confused or say something that wasn't correct about the Green Card OR citizenship, ANY citizenship?

The fact is that military and police status HAS a lot more to do with it besides the Judge being biased. And obviously you just ceded your position of "it has nothing to do, unless it does". Well does it or does it not, and if it does why are you saying it doesn't matter? Why do they ask you when they book you in jail if you've been in the military/served? Because it has nothing to do with you being convicted or going to jail (tries not to fall out laughing out of the bed)

Look up what the words Permanent Resident, Citizen and Person mean in a legal sense.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He's a U.S. Citizen,
This second meaning of "United States" is what the Federales are talking about when they ask if you are a citizen of the United States? That is, are you a citizen of the territories and District of Columbia, like someone born in DC? Or a member of the military or federal civil service who temporarily adopts that "citizenship" status while employed by the Federal Corporation?

If you say, "Yes, I'm a citizen of the United States." thinking of the federation of the separate sovereign state, they self-interestedly interpret it to mean that you are or want to be considered a "citizen of the United States" instead. Who are they to complain if you want to voluntarily subject yourself to them and accept having them and their Queen ruling over you?

They will eagerly grant you "dual citizenship" and herd you like sheep into their fold and begin the process of sheering you without mercy, because they are in business here. Their only purpose is to provide "governmental services" and make money doing so.

If they can force you to buy more and more and more "services"--- Social Security all the way to Obummercare--- and charge you for it, from their perspective---why not? If they can create 80,000,000 regulations for you to follow, and then hire a bunch of thugs to keep you in line and charge you fines every time you color outside their lines, why not? It's Big Business. Literally.

The problem is that this was so lucrative it was a temptation the Brits and French couldn't refuse. So they colluded together against their clueless American Allies.


It's a good history lesson.

How in the world did he even get in the military. Unreal.

Just more proof that the state is parasitic by nature.

By the state you mean the Uber Rich and Wealthy, the Elite, the Rothchilds of the World, and all their cronies that it takes to keep the Veil of Deceit on the World. The Banks, the IMF, the Bush FAmily, the Windors, the hapsburg, and so on to this day STILL Rule the Western part of the World and still want more.

Frenemies = Friends to day, Dead friends tomorrow

By the state I mean government in general, period.

Español? Es bunghole! Habla, blah habla, habla habla, habla bunghole...