The Race

in life •  7 years ago 

We Had a great race today. My two sons and a bunch of friends got together to race a fun boat. One a little complicated to sail. Great to have my two sons there now that there young adults I dont get to do as much with it was an extra special day. Everybody had a great day.lots of jokes and fun. 3287_1517106625175.jpeg20180127_123729.jpgreceived_10215007088673278.jpeg

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Hi @dangercaptain, your post was upvoted and resteemed by @knot - an initiative by @ankapolo to connect all sailors on Steemit.

Nice science in winter..super shot photography with your canon Yes this is natural decorationYour are a good photographer. Thank you for sharing @ovyhossain

nice post, follow and upvote

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi there! Lovely family and great sailboat you have, looks like its built exclusively for racing. How did you do in the race?

I'm an amateur but a very passionate sailor, so far i've done several local regattas and now i'm trying to earn enough to afford my first sailboat. (high goals haha) I'm also trying to build a community of sailors on Steemit so that we can create content geared towards sailors and add real value.

This boat is only for racing. I make sails and rig boats and coach sailing to owners. It would be great to get some steeming sailors together. I could help you get further in your sailing ambition. :-) Steve.

oh thank you! i definitely would love to learn more. I will be making a group here on steemit, and i'll notify you once its launched. would love to have you aboard :)

Nice post.
Did you make the lament sail in the first pic?
I sewed my main and #1 jib from a sailrite kit.
I mostly cruise, but love racing.

DangerCaptain! Let's go sailing. I was at the SteemLA and we talked sailing.