Never humiliate anyone

in life •  6 years ago 

contando billetes 2.jpg
Several days ago I was canceling a gentleman eight thousand in Venezuelan bills of 100 and for distracting me a little I lost my account, I started counting again, the man whom I paid tells someone who was with him, "This is another illiterate Venezuelan" I felt humiliated at that time and after finishing counting the tickets I went to him and kindly said:

  • My friend it is true that many times we are wrong and we are illiterate, but I just got distracted and I ask you to apologize for the inconvenience caused.
    He replied: -You were wrong again but it will be you Venezuelans who are wrong counting bills.
    I told him: -My friend, all human beings are wrong, some by mistake, others by distraction, others by oblivion and others by ignorance. Can I ask you a simple question?
    He said: -Of course
    I asked him: - Do you know the vowels?
    He replied: -Of course!
    And I continued: -Then you know which are the strong vowels and the weak vowels, right? My question is, if someone asked you to write a Hiatus and a Diphthong, would you recognize the difference between them and do it without making any mistakes? I ask him why it is our language and we should know it, don't you think so?
    He stared at me with a lost face saying I don't know.
    I said, "Friend, I tell you that if you ignore or just forgot the answer, don't worry, maybe you got distracted in that class as I got distracted by counting these bills."

Yoger Daniel Freitez
previously posted on facebook

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