I Took My Blood Pressure This Morning

in life •  7 years ago 


My mom gave me this blood pressure monitor sometime back. This is the kind that wraps around an upper arm. Mom had gotten another one that wraps around a wrist. Of course it is more simple to wrap around the wrist than an upper arm.

So when she offered me her old blood pressure monitor I took it. Every now and then I would take my blood pressure just to see where I am. So in this reading it is 118 over 79 with a 56 pulse.

Well, according to a Mayo clinic those numbers are of a normal blood pressure since the top number is below 120 and the bottom number is below 80. So I guess I am in good health according to blood pressure that is. Not bad for a 59 year old.

Of course I really don't like to go to doctors anyway. I have seen numbers of mine go higher than 120 on the top number and higher than 80 on the bottom number.

So what do I do when that happens? Well, I just take the reading again. Only I really attempt to relax and slow down my breathing and most of the time when I do that my blood pressure goes down.

Another way I find to bring down blood pressure is to do water fasting. There are people now doing intermittent fasting and coming out getting stronger with less weight training.

You see during the times of no eating by water fasting gives the body time to clean out all its organs. I even read where rats that were on a strict diet that was similar to intermittent fasting live longer than rats that just ate when they wanted.

OK, so let's get back to blood pressure. There is a thing called white coat syndrome. Well, my mom has that. Most of the time when my mom takes her blood pressure at home it is normal.

Then when I take her to the doctor, in the parking lot before we walk to the office the blood pressure goes sky high. I try to explain to her to relax from the inside and control her breathing.

Well, that doesn't seem to work for my mom and it goes really high and we try to explain to the doctor that the blood pressure is normal until she starts to worry about going to the doctor.

Sure that gives the doctor more chances to increase her medicine. Like I say, I really don't like doctors. Well, my insurance is a high deductible kind of health insurance so I just avoid doctors as much as I can.

Well, at least my blood pressure is on the normal side this morning.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4

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Image is mine taken with my Moto G.

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Thank you @David777111 . Nice to know you sir

Thank you @fitriaulfa!