RE: Was The Moon Landing Fake? Of Course It Was.

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Was The Moon Landing Fake? Of Course It Was.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

It is good to ask questions. Like why do we only see one side of the moon? They told us the moon is a sphere and spins like the earth. If it does spin, then should not we see the other side just by default?

Why can they not prove curvature? If the Statue of Liberty can be seen 60 miles away on a clear day, then why can people see it? According to their own laws of curvature this should not be, as the Statue of Liberty should not be seen at all, if said laws of curvature are true.

Also why would Hillary talk about, breaking the glass ceiling? Did she know about the dome? Why did Wernher Von Braun put Psalm 19:1 on his gravestone? Did he want to leave a clue about God's firmament? This brings more light to Psalm 19:1 and Hillary's talk of breaking the glass ceiling. Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? Job 37:18

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The moon rotates at a speed that means we only see one side of it.

Also I just have a question if you are a flat earther. If the earth was flat wouldn't we all have the same timezone? With a sphere the curvature of the earth blocks out the sun, so at the exact same time you can have a person living in day, and a person living in night. But if the earth is flat, then why does the sun only shine in certain places and not others? Shouldn't it light up the whole earth at once?

Don't know anything about the last paragraph

The moon does not spin on an axis like the Earth does. The same side always faces the Earth.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What do you mean it doesn't spin on an axis? It does. but at a different rate to earth.

Anyway here is an excerpt of something that explains what I'm trying to say

"The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still. Scientists call this sychronous rotation."

Sorta like when you angle-park your car and stop at the same moment the car beside you backs out and you freak out cause you know you've stopped your car but you think you are still somehow moving


Do you believe that the sun is 92.96 million miles from earth? If you do, can you explain the rays of the sun that flair outward from the clouds? Do your own experiment. Take a flash light and flash on your other hand just above your fingers. Notice the shadows of your fingers are spread out? Now leave your other hand at same position and raise the flash light as high as you can flashing on your fingers. Notice that the shadows of your fingers are closer together? So by this experiment you can see to make the sun rays flare as they do all the years of your life, the sun must be closer .A good mathematician can take the angles of rays and the measure of distance between 2 rays to figure the distance from earth to sun. If the sun is 92.96 million miles from the earth then yes the sun will shine on all of the earth at once. If the mathematician is true, then the sun must be much closer. Study the ying and yang and you will see how you can have night and day.

Do your handlers know you are out past curfew?

Why do you ask? Are the demons starting to feel uncomfortable?

This occurs due to the same effect as why train tracks seem to converge upon each other in the distance despite being perfectly parallel. Light rays are essentially (or near enough to to make no difference) parallel but it is the fact that as you look further into the distance, the distance between the rays takes up a lower proportion of the field of view, therefore making them seem to converge.

@bowdens you give the example perfectly. You are looking at those tracks from the tracks looking far away at the tracks, but any distance looking down at the tracks you see parallel. So from 92.96 miles away looking at the rays at a more perpendicular angle you would see the rays more parallel instead of flared out as you see them from the clouds. So since they are more flared out from a more perpendicular angle do you not agree that this is true?

The top of the cloud causes diffusion of the incoming light, thereby creating a new point from where it shines again when it breaks through a few holes and thin points at the bottom of the cloud.

Then you agree that from 92.96 million miles from earth that the rays of the sun won't flare out as they do. So the sun is actually closer to the earth than you know, right?

Dude, what the hell are you talking about with Hillary? She obviously failed in getting to the top. Glass ceiling, wtf? Is this word vomit from gender studies?

You should refill your prescription.

Hey, I'm not her speech writer. Did her handler tell her to say such things? Did this handler understand Genesis 1:14-18?

Yeah, I think you probably got it. I don't think most of these politicians are doing much original creative thought. If she gave a speech on it, it was written by some SJW with a gender studies degree somewhere.

Curvature has been proven over and over, and anyone can verify it themselves with a couple of miles flat surface. Just be sure to be as close to the ground as possible to be able to detect curvature in the shortest distance. 2 miles should 2 it.

Ok, prove it. Why can you see the Statue of Liberty 60 miles away on a clear day?

You won't be able to see lower part I can assure you, just as it's missing in the pic below.

Can you see the hull when it bounces off a wave? Before the zoom you can't see it.
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