I Dream To Live In A Place Where There Are No Gates and Walls

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

"I dream to live in a place where there are no gates and walls"

Unsplash: Fabien Rousselot

I just came up with this dream a while ago while eating at the mall fronting the exclusive and luxurious condominium near my workplace. The high, green residential project by a big, known tycoon in the Philippines.

While eating my Spicy Salmon Sandwich I gazed upon the glass walls of the restaurant where I'm at and saw the thing, that in my own opinion, made us more indigenous than the cavemen. The walls.

Walls are made for protection I know. This protection was made for our loved ones... or our belonging? Yes! we know that it is the purpose of this construction. Plus gates to filter those who access the residence, with matching security guards.


When was this construction started anyway, why does this even exist? I do not know actually. Or does anyone know?

Wall Street is one of the examples. In seventeen century, a wall was built by the Dutch on that street as a barrier from their neighbors, Native Americans. Barbed wires are just a one of those added securities over the walls, for what? for protection.

The Great Wall of China is another longest walls ever made by the Chinese military to defend China from invaders during the 7th century.


These are just the 2 walls that were made to divide people from people.

Back in the days, according to what I've learned from school, during the stone age where money was not yet discovered, where people only speak one language, Java Man, Cavemen, anything we want to call them. Walls are just made for protection against wild animals, wild animals that might put our family in danger. That's all!


Walls have now different purpose. Look around us. Subdivisions, Condominiums, Town, these all have walls. Even the single houses inside of each have their own walls. Yes, it is for protection. Don't get me wrong, I will even put walls around our shelter once we have our own, I will even tap it with electrocuted wires for better protection... against the thieves and other bad people, I need to protect my family and belonging of course.

Unsplash: Serhat Beyazkaya

And it is sad that it is the reality, that we have to build barriers. Like in the place where I eat, without that walls around that luxurious condominium would mean that all the people are welcome to come in and do anything they want. Take note that the people live there were the CEOs and Presidents of different companies and businesses all around the world. And just 2 or 3 blocks away is an urban residence.

Putting my self in their shoes, I would do the same, I won't feel safe. But still, I dream to live in a place where there are no gates and walls.

Where there are no worries of someone could do harm to me and my family. Where people greet each other a good morning every day. Where we can invite anyone, even passersby to join us over a bottle of beer. Where we can introduce our family to anyone, where we can share our belonging without worrying of being stolen.

Come to think of it, living in a place without gates, walls and worries.







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Tearing down physical walls is an engineering problem. Convincing people to tear down the walls they have constructed in their own mind is another problem all together. It is the mental walls that lead man to build the physical walls. They are a manifestation of what is inside. I like the way you think. It is the dreamers who are the catalyst for change. I live in Texas and our cities are fairly modern so they are not surrounded by walls and moats. When I travel in Europe I am struck by how many cities are surrounded by massive stone walls. I think the modern trend favors fewer walls. Keep dreaming my friend. Change is coming!

Thanks for a nice comment @clayrawlings. I envy you for living in an unwalled place. I really hope that change will come, but with the current events in middle east where war never ends, it seems that our dreams is still far from reality. But I will never get tired of dreaming and hoping.

Hey! I live in the Philippines as well! Heck im a filipino! Is there anything i could do to get in the Ph-Group!

Hello kabayan! Download discord app and join here @steemph https://discord.gg/z9uewkc, you will meet more Filipinos and learn a lot about steemit.