How you sleep seriously affects your life span

in life •  7 years ago 

Some people sleep four or five hours a day, while others feel they're not doing enough for 10 hours. How long do you sleep every day? According to the American Anti-Cancer Association, people who sleep an average of 78 hours a night live the longest; 80 percent of those who sleep less than four hours a night are short-lived. However, the best sleep time of different age is also different, we should according to their age scientific sleep.

  1. 5 hours a day for elderly people over 60 years of age

Old people should go to bed before 12:00 every night, and seven hours, or even 5.5 hours, are enough. Elderly people whose sleep is limited to seven hours a night can delay aging by two years, according to data released by the Alzheimer's Association. Long-term sleep of more than seven hours or lack of sleep can lead to poor attention, and even Alzheimer's disease, increasing the risk of premature death.

The most common sleep problems for the elderly are dreamy and insomnia. Dream is due to the deterioration of brain function in the elderly, insomnia is due to the decrease of melatonin secretion in the body, melatonin is one of the important factors that determine sleep in the body. Experts suggest that the quality of sleep in the evening of the elderly, had better develop the habit of taking a nap, the time is not more than 1 hour.

About 7 hours a day at the age of 30 or 60

Adult men need 6.5 hours of sleep and women about 7.5 hours of sleep, and "good sleep time" between 10:00 and 5 am should be guaranteed. Because people at this time easy to reach deep sleep state, help alleviate fatigue. A 22-year follow-up study of 21000 adults in Finland found that men who slept less than seven hours were 26 times more likely to die than men who slept for 78 hours, and women were 21 times more likely to die; men who slept more than eight hours were more likely to die. Men were 24 percent more likely to die than men who slept for seven or eight hours, and women were 17 percent more likely to die.

This age if lack of sleep, more with mental decline, or stress caused by overeating and other bad habits. Experts remind that, in addition to as much as possible to ease the pressure, but also in the bedtime environment, such as reducing noise, ventilation, appropriate shade, and choose 1015 centimeters high, soft and moderate pillow. Those who still don't have enough sleep can also take an hour's nap to make up for their sleep.

13-29 years old, about 8 hours a day.

This age group usually needs to sleep 8 hours a day, and follow the principle of early sleep and early rise to ensure deep sleep around 3 o'clock in the night. Usually you should make sure to go to bed at 24:00 at the latest, get up early at 6 o'clock, and try not to sleep late on weekends. Because sleep time is too long, can disturb human body biological clock, cause mental retardation, affect memory, and can miss breakfast, cause food disorder and so on.

Young people more accustomed to stay up late, this will directly affect their mental state the next day, and prone to skin damage, acne, chloasma and other problems. Long stay up late also can affect endocrine, cause immunity to drop, cold, gastrointestinal infection, allergy and so on can come to visit, can appear amnesia, irritability, anxious and so on mental symptom. Therefore, the most important thing for young people is to regulate their own life, do not eat one hour before falling asleep, midday nap for half an hour, is more beneficial to the body.

4 years old, 12 years old, 10 hours a day, 12 hours.

It is necessary for children of 12 years old to sleep 12 hours a day, go to bed around 8 o'clock every night, take a nap as soon as possible at noon. For older children, 10 hours, or even 8 hours, is enough. Beijing Pediatrics Institute, deputy director of the Department of Pediatrics physician told reporters, if the child sleep, not only will be depressed, low immunity, but also affect growth and development. But she warned that sleep should not be too long, if more than 12 hours, may lead to obesity.

Children basically have no sleep disorders, as long as the creation of a good environment on the line. Don't eat before bedtime, don't have light lights or more exciting music in your bedroom; make a schedule with your child and urge them to go to bed on time; do some preparation work before bedtime, such as brushing your teeth, washing your face, making your bed, etc. This may seem like a simple process, but it's a sign to the child that it's time to go to bed.

One or three years old 12 hours a night, two or three hours during the day

Young children to ensure 12 hours of sleep every night, the day also need to supplement two to three hours. Specific sleep times can be determined according to their own sleep rhythm, such as some babies used to sleep in the near noon and later in the afternoon.

Babies of this age tend to be too excited to sleep. For this reason, parents are advised to take a warm bath and relax their bodies one hour before bedtime. Telling a short story or relaxing and relaxing music can also help your baby to fall asleep.

Everyone has their own biological clock, some are "night owls" at night, others are "early birds" early to bed and early to rise, and most people are somewhere between these extremes.

So, as long as maintain enough sleep time and regular rest, pay attention to the sleep environment, the next day is a day full of vitality.

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