in life •  7 years ago 

So today is my birthday. I so far have went around the sun 25 times. (im 25 years old). Today was the first time in about 6 years of actauly celebrating cause no one does anything for me or even myself.

I woke up with a hangover cause i was drinking the night before, but it wont stop me from drinking more tonight ;), but then soon after i got up i went to buy some doughnuts and some coffee.

Pretty much just stayed home and watched things on the internet. Also went out to Best Buy and Pet Smart. Just browsed in the stores. Didn't have enough money to buy anything. I mean i saw a lot that i wanted to buy, but nothing really i could get with the cash on hand. I really wanted to go to Fry's Electronics tho.

But later today i bought some pizza's and now im just relaxing drinking some more and watching more things on the internet. Today was good. 

So Happy Birthday to me turing 25. Time for another run around the sun!

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