5 + 1 Words In English, Every Day (22-23.)

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

112 5 words.jpg

(Español aquí) The idea is to incentivize people learn some words in English every day. Learning only five words daily means 1825 words a year. Not enough to speak very well, but it can be a good start. Much better than doing nothing. Do you know somebody who needs to begin to learn English? Some relatives or friends? Please give them this simple lessons.

(List of lessons at the end)

Five Words + 1, December 11.-12., 2018

Lesson 22

#EnglishDeutschEspañolGoogle TranslatorFree Dictionary
1Please!Bitte!¡Por favor!GoogleFree Dict.
2water(das) Wasser(el) aguaGoogleFree Dict.
3bread(das) Brot(el) panGoogleFree Dict.
4doctor(der) Arzt(el) médico, (el) doctorGoogleFree Dict.
5ambulance(die) Ambulanz, (der) Rettungswagen(la) ambulanciaGoogleFree Dict.
+fire(die) Feuer(el) fuegoGoogleFree Dict.

Remarks: Some similar words in lesson 13.

Lesson 23

#EnglishDeutschEspañolGoogle TranslatorFree Dictionary
1table(der) Tisch(la) mesaGoogleFree Dict.
2chair(der) Stuhl(la) sillaGoogleFree Dict.
3cupboard(der) (Küchen)schrankalacena, armarioGoogleFree Dict.
4window(das) Fenster(la) ventanaGoogleFree Dict.
5door(die) Tür(la) puertaGoogleFree Dict.
+chest of drawers(die) Kommodearchivero, cómoda, cajoneraGoogleFree Dict.

Remarks: Always listen to the pronunciation on the links to the right.

How to use it?

You find the words always in Spanish and German. The Google link takes you to the Google Translator, where you can set your desired language (above the right side box) to be able to get the meaning in many other languages.
Below the left box, the speaker sign gives you the important pronunciation, the voice sample. Another choice is the other link to the Free Dictionary, with voice samples in both American English and British English versions. The reader should also pronounce the word himself/herself, several times, not only listen to it.

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List of some lessons:

1. Introduction and numbers
2. The good, the bad and the ugly
3. Greetings
4.-5. Numbers, Family
6.-7. Numbers, Festivities
8.-9. Time, Numbers
10.-11. Colors, negation
12.-13. Flavours, useful signs
14.-15. Politeness, more colors
16.-17. Settlements, movements
18.-19. Everyday activities, Airport
20.-21. Interrogatives, numbers
22.-23. Help, furniture

List of all lessons:

Index of “5 + 1 Words In English” – Índice de la serie “5 + 1 palabras en inglés”

(Cover photo: Pixabay.com)
(You can message me in Discord.)

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Muy buen aporte, desde hoy te sigo, es una forma sencilla y a la vez poderosa de transmitir un mensaje...gracias...


Gracias por tu aporte @deathcross, seria genial promover el conocimiento sobre el International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), una gran herramienta para las personas autodidactas interesadas en aprender la fonética del idioma inglés, dejo el siguiente link del youtuber @fastbraintv con una muy buena explicación de la pronunciación de cada letra.

Muchas gracias.

You got a 41.36% upvote from @brupvoter courtesy of @deathcross!

Calling @originalworks :)
img credz: pixabay.com
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Estudiar sobre el efectivo digital es parte de una tarea necesaria. Aquí tres guías. Empezando por esta. Aprovechen los conocimientos para mejorar siempre. Saludos


  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment