5 + 1 Words In English, Every Day: Children and computer parts

in life •  6 years ago 

163 5+1 child-3665694_1280.jpg

(92-93.) (Español aquí) The idea is to incentivize people learn some words in English every day. Learning only five words daily means 1825 words a year. Not enough to speak very well, but it can be a good start. Much better than doing nothing. Do you know somebody who needs to begin to learn English? Some relatives or friends? Please give them this simple lessons.

New in these lessons

Family and children are the most important things in the World for most people. Here are some words about this theme, with reference to earlier lessons. Perhaps you are using a computer now as you read this, learn the names of the main computer parts.

(List of lessons at the end)

Lesson 92

#EnglishDeutschEspañolGoogle TranslatorFree Dict.
1girldas Mädchenla chicaGoogleFree Dict.
2boyder Jungeel chicoGoogleFree Dict.
3malemännlich, das Männchenmasculino, el machoGoogleFree Dict.
4femaleweiblich, das Weibchenfemenino, la hembraGoogleFree Dict.
5babydas Babyel bebéGoogleFree Dict.
+kiddas Kindel niñoGoogleFree Dict.

Remark: See also lessons 5, 25.

Lesson 93

#EnglishDeutschEspañolGoogle TranslatorFree Dict.
1mousedie Mausel ratónGoogleFree Dict.
2keyboarddie Tastaturel tecladoGoogleFree Dict.
3speakerder Lautsprecherel altavozGoogleFree Dict.
4monitorder Monitor, das Bildschirmel monitor, la pantallaGoogleFree Dict.
5hard diskdie Festplatteel disco duroGoogleFree Dict.
+USB stick, USB driveder USB-Stickla memoria USB, el lápiz USB etc.GoogleFree Dict.

(Picture for mobile app users.)

How to use it?

You find the words always in Spanish and German. The Google link takes you to the Google Translator, where you can set your desired language (above the right side box) to be able to get the meaning in many other languages.

Below the left box, the speaker sign gives you the important pronunciation, the voice sample. Another choice is the other link to the Free Dictionary, with voice samples in both American English and British English versions. The reader should also pronounce the word himself/herself, several times, not only listen to it.

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(Introducción en español aquí)
(Introduction in English here)

Some of the last lessons:

82.-83. Working, stone fruits
84.-85. Important prepositions, working in companies
86.-87. You and they, professors and students
88.-89. Writing, speaking
90.-91. Artists, poultry

List of all lessons:

Index of “5 + 1 Words In English” – Índice de la serie “5 + 1 palabras en inglés”

(Cover photo: Pixabay.com)
(You can message me in Discord.)

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Quite interesting @deathcross! The lessons confirms the universal TRUTH that No language is completely independent of others. Obviously, some of the words in English were either Spanish or Deutch or Vise versa.

English has 30-40 percent of its vocabulary from the ancient Latin language /Roman Empire), and other 30 percent approximately from the Germanic tribes. German has a strong influence from the Germanic languages, and Spanish, from the Latin.

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