Beware of Toxic People! Kick Them Out of your Life!

in life •  7 years ago 



Yes, kick them out, but how do you spot them?

Here's a quick guide on who to avoid:

  • People Who Only Talk About Themselves

Have you ever been trying to talk to someone who won't let you get a word in edgeways?

Such people don’t ask you any questions, they don’t want your responses and they won’t stop talking about themselves.

Self-centered people like this are toxic. Kick them out!

  • People Who Thrive on Drama

Some people are magnets for drama!

Problems haunt such people all the time. As soon as a problem is solved another, probably worse, materializes. You feel you must sympathise and spend ages trying to help them. BUT these people don't really want your help!

They actually enjoy complaining.

This behaviour is so toxic! Get rid of them!

  • People Who Are Jealous and Judgemental

Criticism and gossip are this person's signature tune.

Get rid of them quick! Goodness knows what toxins they are spreading about you!

So, that's the worst three toxic people I can think of.

Have you any thought about toxic people? Please share them if you have.

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