
in life •  4 years ago 

When I was a little kid I fantasized and wished for so many things. I was never satisfied from the age of about five on. Maybe it was because of meeting other kids at school who had more. I am not sure.

Early fantasies involved having my own home game console. This was something my mom would never go for we did not even have a TV or running water for the longest time. My fantasy did not stop there. Not only would I have a game system, but I would be in some kind of small motorhome hurtling through space. All alone and free to play games for eternity!

Later, in middle school, when I first tried alcohol it was hard to come by. I used to wish I had a hip flask that would never empty. In this way I would be able to drink as much as I wanted for as long as I wanted for my whole life!

Around that time and onwards until now, I started fantasizing about being rich. Discovering gold, winning the lottery, buying bitcoin when..

Other wishes have come and gone. Having black hair, changing my name, changing my parents, being able to turn invisible or freeze time, being able to go back in time, everyone in the world disappearing except me and a girl I liked, immortality and so forth.

I realize that my wishes are all double edged swords, and not even thinly veiled ones. I am so naive. Travel through space alone and go insane playing dated computer games, die of alcohol poisoning. Become rich and realize it didn't help. And so forth.

What is the lesson? Be happy with who you are and what you have. Learn from your choices and experience. Be thankful for every challenge. Feel the gift of not having wishes come true.

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