Is there a God?

in life •  9 years ago 

Born in a Chinese family. Superstition runs deep in my blood as i was brought up believing in deity or god. My mum would always tell me that i mustn't do anything wrong in my life as god will punish me later on. When i was young my parents will always bring me to temples to pray for good health and peace in the family. So i grew up believing that god exist because my parents wanted me to. But as i grew older i started to understand the meaning of god and who created them. We did... and it was for a good reason so that people won't commit anything bad. People are afraid of karma or end up in hell when they pass away. I started to question whether there is a god or not since i'm around 13. I started to ask questions to my parents. Why are my friends believe in different god than us? They can't really give me an answer. They just shush me and ask me not to ask so much and just believe in what they tell me.

I'm curious as why humans are the same and yet we worship to different god. I saw a movie called "The Man Who Sued God" and that movie made me question more about does god really exist. The movie was about a lawyer who became a fisherman and spend all his money on a boat but the boat was later struck by lightning and was destroyed. He claim for insurance but later was rejected because its "an act of god". So if the insurance doesn't want to pay because its "an act of god" surely someone has to pay for his boat. He files a claim against the bishop and pope because they are the representative of god. This turns ugly when the pope is in a tight spot. If he admit that god exist, he have to pay for all the natural disaster damages for everyone on earth. There's no option for the pope. The movie ended with the lawyer pull back his claim because his life was in danger.

Whenever i saw news about a plane crash and hundreds of people died. I would feel if there's a god why would he do such a thing? I'm more pissed at those survivors who said things like "Thank god i never boarded that plane, i missed the plane because i was stuck in a jam,god saved me". People like this who thinks that god saved them because they are special really pissed me off because does that mean god hated the rest of the hundreds of innocent people on that plane? When your cured you thank the god for it. When you died from a disease.. god is bringing you to be better place. So which is better? Cured or dead? Why not just cure everyone who prays to him/her. When we meet with some misfortune , they will say it is god's will.. a blueprint.. a task. Some people are evil when they are born. That's god doing also? Why make someone evil or plan for him to turn evil at some point then later send him to hell? Just make everyone good. Isn't it better this way?

There's more and more news about people using the name of their god to create crimes. ISIS is one of the example, they used the name of Allah to gain more allies and people to join them in their fight. News about leaders of the church misusing the fund for their own luxury life. Story about bishop molesting young boys. If there is a god.. why would he appoint those people to represent him? Will i employ a rapist to be my babysitter? NO.

If there is a god he must me a middle aged guy who is tired of living and he hates human. Just like that movie "The Brand New Testament". It's one of my favorite movie of all time. If you haven't watch it yet.. please do watch it. I'm not blogging this to pissed anyone off. Just to share my thoughts. Lastly a statement from the world smartest man Stephen Hawking

Hawking said: "Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation."

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Except science can not explain all the facts. It first must dismiss all eyewitness accounts of supernatural events. THEN it can declare that it's explanations are more convincing than everything else.

When you do not exclude such information, then the God of the Christian Bible is the most convincing explanation.

People behaving badly while claiming to adhere to a belief system says nothing about the validity of that belief system. Look at the evidence backing each belief system and then make your decision.

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I won't say No. But I would say - highly unlikely. Hawking's quote is pretty telling. Science doesn't offer an explanation for everything, but it does for most things that would have made God a necessity a few hundred years ago.

Well it depends really , each person has his point of view whether god exists or not , But if we are talking " Scientifically" well i'd say yes there is a god & there should be a god , i have found this article that might help you understand scientifically that god exists.
have a good time reading. & btw i believe god exists and on only not thousands of them.

I like to believe there's a G-d in the sense of us all being in the same energy system, in which G-d is there in a passive, interconnected sense. I've personally never been able to grasp the anthropomorphized "dude in the sky. "

To me though it tends to be irrelevant as far as my decision making process. I either do what's my best idea (if there is no G-d) or I'm getting some external sense or what's the right thing to do (from said G-d.)

Just mt take.