Live today like it gonna be your last.

in life •  7 years ago 


It is certain that we will all die one day. No one was created to live forever. And what you do today, either good or bad, that is what you will be remembered for.

Live today like there's no tomorrow, the way you live today will be the way people will judge you tomorrow, and once you are died the good and bad you have done will be that which people will remember you for. So live today as if it's your last.

Do good to others and never hurt other feelings.

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Well thats sounds streasful

What did u mean stressful?

All the things you want to make right if it's you last day. Saying bye to family and kids.

But i know what they meen when saying it. But if you og think about it. Your last day is probeably not the best day og your life so why not just live your life as you want. Everyday.

But thanks for the post anyway

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Great thoughts and I 'm totally agreed with each and every word you have said

Thanks for reading