If your job allows you to work this way, it may be the perfect time to wonder if being freelance is better than following a traditional career. See the advantages and disadvantages of working as a freelancer.

A freelancer is a worker who does not have a certain employer: now does work for one, now does for others. It is a service, but no link labor.Mas what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a freelancer?
The biggest advantage of being a freelancer is the flexibility that this career offers. You can work anywhere, at any time you want. If you want to work from home, in pajamas, it's okay. If you prefer to get and work in a café or a co-working space, no problem. If you want to travel to the other side of the world can do it and keep working! The same goes for the times: it works best in the morning, wake up early and start work after breakfast. If a more nocturnal person, you can adjust your day to start working after the sun set and have taken the best of the day. In addition there are numerous advantages:
When working with different customers also have the opportunity to meet new areas, new techniques, enhance your knowledge and become more specialized.
You lose little time with travel, especially if you live in a big city because it fails to waste time in traffic jams and transport. And the costs are lower.
The working hours can also be more productive than a job said normal.
There is greater stability because there is an independence of guidelines or third-party capital.
The remuneration depends on your effort, since it is you who sets your pay.
You can choose your customers and thus meet anyone and do not have to undergo undesirable customers.
Your holidays are when you want and do not need to coordinate with anyone else.
What are the disadvantages?
Being a freelancer does not provide the same security to have a traditional career in many ways. Your salary will be rarely, because it will only earn by working. If a month does not appear so much work, you no longer earn as much money. Your vacation or time off is unpaid, so always have to work to have some money in the next month. Also, have no health insurance or any other benefits offered by companies. All such costs shall be provided for you.
The work of a freelancer may seem quieter than a traditional business, because it avoids many stresses of day-to-day: the boss, co-workers and traffic of large cities. But many other stresses appear in place of these: the tight deadlines, control of payments, the lack of security and the search for customers. The truth is that to be a freelancer, you need to have a more entrepreneurial.
Often also must have some initial investment capacity before starting to work this way.
It costs more to establish itself in the market, because this kind of work best works Word of mouth.
It is a more solitary work, especially for those who were accustomed to the rhythm of a company. It is also more solitary in terms of personal life. There are often jobs that appear in unexpected times and all plans have to be redone and this ultimately bring conflicts in familiar terms.
No benefits established by law: vacation, health issues, pregnancy, etc ...
Nevertheless, as in any other career, these difficulties can be overcome, and decide to work as a freelancer, having discipline, proper planning and willpower, you can overcome challenges and make your career as happy and profitable as any another career choice.