What Do You Love?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


I think it is also important to answer 'what' and not only 'who' do you love? What are the things that you love? What are the things that you like to do that have nothing to do with human beings? It does not really necessarily mean big material things though as some of the best things in life are free. It is true however cliché that may sound. Simple pleasures in life that can make you happy are just all around you. You just need to stop and smell the roses. So stop being grumpy and miserable. It is very unattractive even to animals and plants.

The thing about answering 'who do you love' is that you tend to answer 'why do you love'. People are conditional. The one you love can only be agreeable at some point and can become a disaster to your life in the end. Then you start disliking the person. If you get attached to the idea you formed about a person, you will only be disappointed. So I can't emphasize enough the benefits of having other things in life that you love such as passion, hobbies or any activities that will keep you sane in this diabolic world.

In my case, I'm an old cat lady. There's nothing you can do if I don't really fancy people. It's hard to put my neighbor in my little circle so I can't push myself to love mankind. I'm fine with or without people and I've already lived with that almost my whole life. I understand that kind of life is not for everyone especially if you had been told fairytales while being cuddled since you were a kid. I have a think about my life but maybe just to justify and accept things as they are. If I had been a pampered little girl, I'd probably be so unhappy right now. I realize that it might have been a good thing to get used to being on my own and taking care of myself.

So it is important for me to think about the things that I love. But it's not really all about achieving my financial goals or waiting for cryptocurrencies to go up. It's not really all about the money. Lately, I have to pause and rethink about the things that I have to be grateful about. The things that I already have in my life. I just need to go outside and forget about my own worries and all the things that I have been working on. It's time to live and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

So to answer what do I love?

I love running outside with my cat.

I love when my cat is looking healthy and happy.

I love watching the stars at night.

I love my new bicycle.

I love to sleep when it's raining.

I love silence.

I love to sit outside, slowly sip my coffee and watch the birds.

I love when I can silently sit outside without my neighbor trying to have a conversation with me.

I love having my own space.

I love that I can do whatever I want to do.

I love that nobody's telling me what to do.

I love cooking healthy meals.

I love the freshness of dawn.

I love hearing a song at the right moment.

I love staring at the bright full moon.

I love if I can get rid of the noisy rooster and barking dogs.

I love reading a good book.

I love the cold water on my skin.

I love fresh and clean clothes.

I love the sound of leaves on a windy day.

I love not having to be anywhere.

What do you love?

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I love reading about all the adventures/mis and philosophies​ of Feliz and diabolika:)
But, alas, an onslaught of aches and pains of being an old fcuk this week has put​ a damper on my usually bright sized outlook on life:D

Sigh...aches and pains.

It's that ole evil human condition:)

Great, I'm feeling very evil atm.

This is a very good reminder to me... and a very good practice. Just how blessed are you!

Hehe great to hear!

I love this post

I love to see the smile on my mother's face, when I kiss on her forehead....

Thanks for sharing!

Still haven't made peace with the dogs and roosters :) Haha.

I'm sorry for wanting to 'get rid' of them....

I love the smell of the desert as the wind pushes the rain across the sage, I love the sight of the sun dropping below the horizon over the Pacific Ocean, I love the sound of my daughter's laughter, and I love the taste of ice cream on my lips.
I love the things which I have to share, I love the things which cannot be owned, I love the things which my ancestors passed along to me, and I LOVE THIS POST!

Awww thanks for sharing the things you love!

I love this comment!

I love ... reading your blog! :)

My wife,
My son,
Enjoying a cup of coffee without thinking about all of the other crap I have to do later in the day,
70* days with a light breeze and the Sun Shining!

I love that you share what you love! Thanks!

I love cooking a steak dinner after work.
I love the first cup of coffee in the morning.
I love silence.
I love the feeling inside when I sing to the radio.
I love reading a great book.
I love that moment when a woman flirts with me and I'm about to flirt back.
I love my daughters with all of my heart and soul.
I love waiting in airports.
I love creating a spreadsheet that works like I want it to.
I love when I can bring two people to agreement.
I love the ocean.
I love being somewhere else.
I love home after traveling far away.
I love feeling purposeful and necessary.
I love when deer and turkeys use my backyard as a meeting place.
I love a good glass of wine.
I love giving good advice.
I love being in love.

I love to sit outside, slowly sip my coffee and watch the birds.

This is on my list, too.

Wow, thanks for sharing the things you love.

I love this too

I love creating a spreadsheet that works like I want it to.

and I think this is so cool! 😊

I love when deer and turkeys use my backyard as a meeting place.

I love to see sun set and sun rise
I love to have a company of family and friends
i love to travel
i love to get a lot of good comments on my post.
Thanks for sharing :) @diabolika

Thanks for sharing what you love!

you are most welcome:) @diabolika

I love pizza and my bed, lol.

No seriously, what a great post! I like to remind myself as often as possible of the things I love and the things I'm grateful for. Maybe over time, some things you love will change, or you will learn to love new things and people.

But I hope my love for pizza will never die <3

Maybe over time, some things you love will change


Thanks for sharing what you love!

Cats <3

I love many of the same things.
One of my favorites is hearing the crows' wings split the air as they fly overhead right before dawn.

That is cool!

hmm I Love You <3

hi dear friend @diabolika
Love is a human emotion and an emotional experience. Love is a strong expression of affection for a particular person. Yet love can be divided from different perspectives. Emotional love is usually deep, sharing all its human feelings with someone special, even the body's matter can not be separated from such love. Love can be different, such as: Nisham love, religious love, love for relatives etc. Speaking more accurately, the extra affection for any person or object can be very pleasant almost time ... even on any work or food. And this very joyful feeling is love.,,



As we are the human being we have to do love another animal.This is the obviously great writing.It is an educative value about all.It is called the humanity.
@resteem,upvote & follow has been done.


Always an interesting post.

Thanks @nedspeaks!

Love is a feeling of universal affection for a person, animal or thing. Love also refers to a feeling of emotional and sexual attraction that you have towards a person with whom you want to have a relationship or coexistence under the same roof.

Love is expressed through actions, messages of love, declarations of love and love poems. Love is represented symbolically through a heart or the figure of Cupid with bow and arrow. For example, a heart pierced by the arrow of Cupid symbolizes romantic love; On the other hand, a broken heart represents the lack of love. The term love may also have other meanings, depending on how it is used. It is, for example, the care and pleasure with which something is done, for example: "I organize your party with a lot of love". The word love is also used as an adjective when it is indicated that a person is charming, pleasant or friendly: "Rosa is a person's love".

i love practice caricature @diabolika


Thanks for your good posting

Wow.. lovely story i appreciate your funny post thanks for sharing.. best of luck my dear friends.. resteemit..

There is nothing without love...
thanks for sharing...

Lovely pic

I love the feeling of air, wgen it touches me and go, i got a feeling of my soulmate you is no longer living 😢

I read the book

Great post. My list of I loves
Driving to the coast.
Being alone
Walking in nature
Researching things of interest
Collecting unusual artifacts
Being with the one I love
Watching detective shows
Animals, birds, bugs
My dog....

Thank you for sharing!

I love Steemit's community
I love forest and tree
I love fresh crisp days
I love nature
I love the fact we will all soon be free 💯🐒

If you ever think that you would love me more than you would choose him. If you ever find someone like this, you will be able to give happiness to me as well. Then you too, do not forget me. I will never forget you. The happiness of my life is my happiness. .
I do not give a rose, it can not dry up, I can not fulfill my dreams, I can give gifts, I will give a little love, I will give my life in life,