in life •  6 years ago 


The guys.jpg

My god, what a year, certainly allot of good stuff happened this year. And even though it has had its downs it certainly had its ups.
The significance of this year is certainly immense since it is the year that I started designing my life and what I want in it. This means that a better life is one that comes out of design and choosing (way to contradict eastern philosophy).
But I’ve tried both styles going with the flow and designing and the only thing that goes with the flow seems to be a dead fish and while I certainly advise you to enjoy and feel grateful for what you have at this moment and seems little, I would also argue that better choices commitment and discipline lead to a happier life. I did:

  • Social freedom
    How epic is not being embarrassed and being able to deal with every social interaction that life throws at you.

  • Pickup
    While not an artist (yet maybe) I certainly like knowing what to do when I see a beautiful woman.

  • Infinite Man
    Met the most amazing people that act from a place of love and aim to better themselves with everything they do. (And met SashA :D)

  • Sex
    Sex nice and not having it with girls that aren’t my girlfriend was new and cool, can’t really say much relationship wise and feel maybe that I would like to know a super cool girl and be her boyfriend but I know that is only cause I haven’t been on may dates.

  • Money!
    Stable and with some good investments, buy crypto ppl!

Confession what I did to become free was half-assed, meaning that I only did half of the 30 days challenge that set me free… setting me half-free. But off course much monkey business latter I’m aware and freer than ever and will do the remaining 15 days (that might be recorded or not).

  • But most importantly I freed and cleaned my heart. Literally, see it’s my belief that yogis were correct and that we have a stagnant something, let’s call it energy. And that if we do a number of things * we can burn this traumas and limiting beliefs and be the best version of ourselves!
    The outlook that we have on life sets the possibilities that exist in it, anything else in pure and utter bullcrap!




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