How to be a captivating speaker

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemarians. Here are my personal, simple, no-bullshit tips I've learned over the last few years working in sales. It is my hope you may find something practical here as you train to become a master conversationalist.

"Go and live life!"

Travel and go on adventures often. This will not only greatly expand your worldview but also give you tons of conversational fodder. If traveling isn't up your alley you can also try picking up a new hobby or joining a sports team. This is not only a perfect opportunity to practice the art of socializing but also a place to meet new friends.

"Become a therapist "

The job of a good therapist is to get people to open up to them. Once you acknowledge the truth that everyone is the center of their universe, you'll have a much easier time earning their favor. People will gladly open up and share their feelings and opinions if you provide them with an opportunity to do so. When the opportunity presents itself, ask them how they feel about XYZ in all the different forms (i.e. how do you feel about the world cup this year? Are you excited for the France vs. Croatia match next week?) Preferably stay away from topics you know nothing about.

"Like shouting in a cave"

Hearing our own words come out of someone else's mouth is gratifying. To an extent, it shows us they are listening to us intently, even if it's not the case. Use this technique if you're having difficulties getting deeper into a conversation and need to subtly encourage the speaker to elaborate on it. Often times, echoing what the other person said can keep the conversation going effortlessly.

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

A great analogy is like a paintbrush you can use to illustrate your point more vividly in the listener's minds. Use analogies relevant to the listener and your words will have more impact. This leads to increased listener comprehension and consequently a better retention rate.

For example, if you're attempting to convey why explaining a joke ruins it, you may say "Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process." Bonus points if the listener is a biology major.

Also, the creative use of puns can also grab attention and maybe if you're lucky, you'll get a few chuckles as well. (i.e. A reel expert can tackle anything)

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