
in life •  7 years ago 

We think... therefore we are. We thought... therefore we were. a1drjohnthumb.JPG

We ride through the universe on a crusty speck of molten gue. Somehow we don’t get lost in space, but we naturally have the perspective of importance. Our problems are ‘BIG’ stuff.

The concepts of glamour, fashion, appearance and beauty are madness. In the big picture, we are less than insignificant.

Such is ‘life’. Work, play, fun, death: vanity.

Here is today’s beauty.


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I love today's beauty by you doctor, what a lovely baby thanks for sharing

absolutely right @doctorjohn. Just walk this life casually.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

beautiful baby ;)

I agreed with you @doctorjohn, that's just the definition of life,we Work, we play, we catch fun, we laugh, we cry sometimes, and death is real, vanity upon vanity