
in life •  6 years ago 

There are signs you will notice when you approach the end of the road. When you see them, it is nice to have a friend or two to distract you and help you focus on future’s joy. a1drjohnthumb.JPG

I spent the morning reading about the fatal effects of breathing helium.

My mother has reached the emotional point of looking for a way out. She speaks of it constantly. She would beg me for help if I told her about the simple method. For less than $100 I could end her suffering.

I’m guessing my help would be considered premeditated murder. I am forced to watch her exist.

As I suggested, when you see the signs, you may need a friend. Maybe a friend who would enjoy rent free living with meals included.

Food for thought.

Here is today’s beauty.F89908AD-03D5-403D-BD44-42B03A5C7503.jpeg

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I'm sorry you both are going through this. I lost my mom last year to cancer. Fortunately it progressed rapidly and she did not suffer. As cruel as that sounds, it would have been worse to have been stuck suffering through the "cure". I hope your days get better sir.

a sunny day with signs with surprises..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It's easy to feel hurt, but it's very difficult to make her photo. Sometimes our help looks something else too. Really it's the beauty of the day.

You are going through a very hard part of life dealing with the last days that could be years of ones parents life. You will get through it as I and others have done.